Relationships with other AMV sites

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Re: Relationships with other AMV sites

Post by Otohiko » Thu Apr 19, 2012 4:06 pm

BasharOfTheAges wrote:
AceD wrote:>implying it matters who posts it, it ends up under your name so its irrelevant.
It's very relevant. If someone actually wanted to participate in the community they'd be there posting it themselves.
What if they don't know whether they want to participate or not? i.e. amvnews is still primarily a Russian site. Many editors non-Russian editors wouldn't even know about it.

In any case, when you release an AMV online, it does become public domain to an extent. I think as long as due credit is given, there's not really an issue for the video to be presented to an audience elsewhere. In that sense I completely support AMVnews' modus operandi on this - it's not an editor-centric website at all. It's a "news" site that's meant to feature content for fans to watch, and as such it works by selecting that content from a large base of public content. The fact that both editors themselves and other people can suggest content and are involved in the process of selecting content to get featured on the front page is kind of a very good thing.

IMO if you've made a video and made it available online, you WANT it to be featured to audiences elsewhere. If you have a problem with public domain and fair use, then I don't know why you're in this hobby.
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Re: Relationships with other AMV sites

Post by BasharOfTheAges » Thu Apr 19, 2012 4:40 pm

Otohiko wrote:
BasharOfTheAges wrote:
AceD wrote:>implying it matters who posts it, it ends up under your name so its irrelevant.
It's very relevant. If someone actually wanted to participate in the community they'd be there posting it themselves.
What if they don't know whether they want to participate or not? i.e. amvnews is still primarily a Russian site. Many editors non-Russian editors wouldn't even know about it.

In any case, when you release an AMV online, it does become public domain to an extent. I think as long as due credit is given, there's not really an issue for the video to be presented to an audience elsewhere. In that sense I completely support AMVnews' modus operandi on this - it's not an editor-centric website at all. It's a "news" site that's meant to feature content for fans to watch, and as such it works by selecting that content from a large base of public content. The fact that both editors themselves and other people can suggest content and are involved in the process of selecting content to get featured on the front page is kind of a very good thing.

IMO if you've made a video and made it available online, you WANT it to be featured to audiences elsewhere. If you have a problem with public domain and fair use, then I don't know why you're in this hobby.
I've always thought of it as a patronage system of sorts. You're releasing work into a venue to show confidence in and support for that venue. Just like how you choose what contests (if any) to submit to. That doesn't clash with the whole fair-use mindset, but it stresses a form of brand support, which is one of the things I like about how the org runs things. You choose to participate in it. You choose to promote it. You choose to validate it's existence by contributing to it. The venue earns its status and social credentials by the fact that so many people choose to support it. I know a lot of people think of cons this way already. Didn't think it was a stretch to think of websites the same way.

EDIT - maybe "trust" is a better term - like an organization you bequeath art to. Kinda like how antiques and art collections are given or willed to museums.
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Re: Relationships with other AMV sites

Post by kyle_m » Thu May 17, 2012 1:34 am

Radical_Yue wrote: Nya meant that this
Castor Troy doesn't really like my videos. :ying: :evil: :nono:
was kind of a joke >>
Castor Troy wrote:I thought the ying face would give it away. :ying:
BasharOfTheAges an organization you bequeath art to. Kinda like how antiques and art collections are given or willed to museums.
ok saying truth, first i was totally like otohiko, thinking wtf you are making amvs for, if you are not tend to share them. but hopefully after that it seems i got the idea generally. on the amvnews we had a common practice putting some kind of "for AMVNEWS.RU" tag in titre or just somewhere in video itself like qwaqa did in his "pencilhead". unfortunatly this practice never had such a clear verbal representation like one given by Bashar. I just thought maybe its time to refresh it?) Then thousands of standalone amv-bloggers (like me btw ) who REALLY DARE to re-upload many of their favourite amvs to some other public domains (and sure will never get that worse, just to change titles :x ), will take their part in advertising the alma-mater of that videos, giving it it's deserved honor in minds of random inet wanderers.... oh shit i ended up with that amv-community is tiny and close-minded... or inclosed? damn i am really messed up with that much of english letters in single post of my


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