"old school" please define

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Re: "old school" please define

Post by Radical_Yue » Thu May 24, 2012 2:07 pm

To me, there are 2 kinds of old school.

Bad oldschool - Typically poor encode or bleh looking, over the top cheesy lyric sync, long running scenes, and very few transitions that aren't basic straight cuts or crossfades. I usually think of "bad oldschool" when it comes to editors who started a long time ago, were good back in the day, and never progressed or got any better. For people who are familiar with their work it seems like "same 'ol same 'ol" whereas newcomers just think that they just kinda suck.
Videos that usually begin with a "hey, this combination might work..." But they never really advance from that mind set of might work and are left underdeveloped.

Good oldschool
- I enjoy seeing good old school, since good oldschool is more "common sense" type editing to me. These videos don't exactly use the newest HD sources, but sources that are near and dear to the editor's heart. When you watch these videos, it's incredibly obvious that they really loved making this video and took a a long amount of time deciding on which scenes to use in attempt to convey their feelings about the show. Not usually videos that are heavy on effects but any type of effect work that goes into them is rather subtle and has a purpose. These are never videos that are "I was bored" or "lol. I like this song" videos. When I say common sense editing, I mean only putting in exactly what the video needs, never less and never attempting to make it over the top ZOMGLOOKVIDEOCOPILOT!
Videos that usually stem from a strong love of the sources or stem from an idea that an editor has held onto for a long time but has always wanted to do. When they think about the video, it plays perfectly in their head. Every scene and emotion has already been decided.

Not to say newer videos don't occasionally have the same amount of love go into them, but I suppose it's more of a simplistic style that makes a video "oldschool." No over the top blur zooms, constant panning, or latest AE plugins, just old fashion editing that's all about being juuuuust right.

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Castor Troy
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Re: "old school" please define

Post by Castor Troy » Thu May 24, 2012 4:10 pm

Old school = 2001 and before.
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Re: "old school" please define

Post by JudgeHolden » Thu May 24, 2012 4:22 pm

Castor Troy wrote:Old school = 2001 and before.

Why 2001? ... Oh, I see what ya did thar .... :ying:

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Re: "old school" please define

Post by gotegenks » Thu May 24, 2012 4:46 pm

i don't know much about amv old school, but i know my Can't Stop video that was loaded with effects got called old school by KH-editing veterans because it had a lot of super literal lyric sync and constant beat sync in it which were aspects of the most popular videos and editing styles back in like...idk...2006? that community isn't very old...

Old sources probably bring up the feeling of "old school" because when an editor edits an old source it makes them think of the most popular videos with that source which are probably old since it's an old source -inhale-. So most videos using old sources get used with an old style and that makes em old school. Although, try to use the same style with a new source like redline and i don't know if it's even possible to make it feel old school without using a 50's song and zero action scenes, but even then...

i think it mostly has to do with style, but old sources tend to bring out that style the most so old sources are where you find the old school style.


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