I'm looking for scenes where the main male character is being perverted, acting like a pedophile, stalking (likely jokingly) one of the other female characters, blushing, having a nosebleed, and basically any other scenes where he is not cool and composed (though I suppose he could be during one of those scenes.)
Generally, there will be another female in the scene with one of those, but if not that's fine too.
This isn't the kind of amv I might be painting it out to be, it's actually a light-hearted, silly video, and those are the kinds of scenes I am looking for.

Spoiler :
Even if the scene you find doesn't fit exactly under one of the descriptions I give, post it anyhow! I'll take anything.
Right now I only have Nisemonogatari, however if there are many good scenes from Bakemonogatari, I might be willing to get it as well.
An example is here:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tMy2ibMc ... re=related
That scene is, I believe, from Bakemonogatari, so I may end up getting it just because that's exactly what I'm looking for (though not JUST stalking scenes.)
Even if the scene is only 2 seconds long, that's fine. Facial expressions on the main male character, like at :33 in the clip, though very short, are very useful. I've already found a similar scenes/facial expression in episode 9 of Nisemonogatari.
Of course, I'm not expecting you to do all the work. I will be skimming through Nisemonogatari trying to find good scenes, I'm just not going to watch all the episdoes, as I really don't have the time to nor the interest in the anime lol.
Any help is immensely appreciated! Thank youuu~