Everyone is different and that was just me talking about my own personality. I'm not saying that everyone should be like that, I was just saying that's how I am. I'm not going to change my personality just as I'm not going to ask anyone to change theirs. My goal isn't to become bestest friends in the whole wide world with everyone and please them, I'm fine with people not liking me because it's quite easy to find those who love me for who I am.Kazemon15 wrote:I do generally agree with some of the stuff Yue says in this interview, but a few things just bugged me (and this is my own opinion here):
Radical_Yue wrote: I don't want an ego boost, I want to do better.
There are some people who have incredibly low self-esteem when it comes to editing, and only pointing out the "bad" things might make them not want to edit anymore.
This is the case with one of my friend. He thinks what he puts out is 100% crap and feels he needs to redo the AMV over and over again and try to fix it to the best of his ability. The problem though is....going to what Yue said about:
And if you refer back to my interview....
I agree that ego-boosters are a good thing. But if that's all you get, you're not going to go very far.Does that mean I think everyone should become mega-critic? Hell no, that would be a mess. You still need those confidence boosters here and there, but if you want to progress you need to accept the negative feedback and turn it into fuel. Even if you disagree with what the person said, instead of looking at them like they're an idiot who is just angry at the world, why not turn that around into an "I'll show them!" attitude to make an amazing video?
If someone's self-esteem is so low that the first set of negative comments will send them running away in tears, honestly...I would almost say not to post their work in public. I'm not trying to be mean or say that in a negative "don't even do it, ya crybaby!" way at all. But the second you decide to make something public, you have to be ready for both positive and negative feedback.
There are billions of people out there and not every one is going to love everything you do, it's a fact of life that everyone has to deal with. That doesn't just apply to editing of course, that's just life in general. It's part of growing up.
Getting negative feedback shouldn't be seen as hate and it shouldn't be taken as sign that you're terrible person. It just means that you have room for improvement. EVERYONE has room for improvement, no one is perfect in every way, shape, or form. Even people that are considered the best editors of all time have beta testers and get negative comments.
It seems like you took this interview and what I've said as more of a "DO IT THIS WAY OR YOU'RE STUPID. IF YOU DON'T ACCEPT NEGATIVE FEEDBACK YOU'RE PATHETIC" than what it actually is.
I don't understand why you would let a disability define your general ability. Yes, it makes it harder but the fact that you can't hear beats isn't the end of life and it doesn't mean that you can't be the next Nostromo or Koopiskeva.Kazemon15 wrote:I don't wanna be an ass to say this, but I feel this isn't true. I know what you meant when you were going with this, but for some people, this isn't true.Everyone has unlimited potential.
I'm not trying to make "excuses", but there are just some things people just can not do. Going back to my friend, he's 85% deaf. He can't hear a beat or a lyric even if it were to smack him in the face, so he tries to rely on his hearing to the best of his ability and me, but with that problem is, I'm 70% deaf, so it doesn't help either way.![]()
Does that mean he'll be a terrible editor? Or doesn't "want" to improve?
Sometimes a little ego boosting is a good thing IMO, especially under these circumstances.
(btw, this friend of mine got in for the first time in the AX contest and he keeps telling himself he needs to withdraw because he still feels his AMV isn't up to par with the others, despite being his "best work" so far.)
I will never be able to know the challenges you two face. But I do know that you shouldn't let that stop you from trying to get better at what you love to do. And there is more to editing than beat sync. Have problems hearing all those little ticks and thumps? Why not try internal or mood, or one of the other ways to edit?
You got a raw deal, but that just means you've got to adapt. If one way of doing it doesn't work, why not try another instead of turning it down right away because you're not used to it or it could be more difficult?
I'm not going to sit here and say "Awwwww, you poor baby! Let me tell you how amazing you are!

Do those things make life any easier? Hell no. But I'm not going to let them hold me back from being all I can be. And I know people with situations FAR WORSE than I ever had it. Hell, Magnus was dying of cancer and I never once saw him say "I made a new video. Only nice comments please, I want to feel good about myself." No, he'd throw his work up there and expect the same as everyone else, good and bad and he never once stopped trying to do amazing things.
I've got nothing wrong with an ego-boost here and there, but this is the internet and not everyone is here to glomp all over you.
Seeing someone say that they don't think they're as good as everyone else or don't have the ability to be better than the rest, just because they're different, makes me very sad for you and your view of things.