This week's ANNCast will feature Brad DeMoss!

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Re: This week's ANNCast will feature Brad DeMoss!

Post by Brakus » Wed Sep 19, 2012 12:19 am

I must have autism or Asperger's, because I totally missed the sarcasm in outlawed's post. Either that or he was really being genuinely sincere.

I thought the interview went OK, and I think Brad DeMoss held his own quite fine. Unfortunately I don't think he may have swayed Zac's opinion of the AMV hobby -- and quite frankly, the behavior of some of you about this didn't help in that matter. Zac and Justin are good people, but it's just best to take their opinions with a grain of salt. Lord knows they've been wrong about many things before.
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Re: This week's ANNCast will feature Brad DeMoss!

Post by XStylus » Wed Sep 19, 2012 3:08 pm

Brakus wrote:I must have autism or Asperger's, because I totally missed the sarcasm in outlawed's post. Either that or he was really being genuinely sincere.

I thought the interview went OK, and I think Brad DeMoss held his own quite fine. Unfortunately I don't think he may have swayed Zac's opinion of the AMV hobby -- and quite frankly, the behavior of some of you about this didn't help in that matter. Zac and Justin are good people, but it's just best to take their opinions with a grain of salt. Lord knows they've been wrong about many things before.
I've always had high respect for Zac's interviews and I continue to, but in this case do think he chose his words poorly here. Interesting thing though is that I totally get what Zac was getting at. I think what he meant was "Where's the originality? Where's the substance?" rather than the somewhat stinging "Is this creative?" comment. I do think there's meaningful discussions to be had on those two questions, but the one that got asked unfortunately can be taken pretty insultingly.

I'd loved to have had a conversation between him, Vlad, and myself on the topic of AMVs (I was days away from contacting him about it when this came up), but looks like that's unlikely to happen anytime soon now.
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Re: This week's ANNCast will feature Brad DeMoss!

Post by Brad » Thu Sep 20, 2012 4:53 pm

Wait.. what?
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Re: This week's ANNCast will feature Brad DeMoss!

Post by Fall_Child42 » Fri Sep 21, 2012 10:46 am

xstylus wrote:I'd loved to have had a conversation between him, Vlad, and myself on the topic of AMVs (I was days away from contacting him about it when this came up), but looks like that's unlikely to happen anytime soon now.

you know it's not like Zac hasn't made his position on AMVs incredibly clear multiple time before hand.
This is not a man that is curious to see why people make AMVs and just doesn't get it himself, this is a man that has an active hatred towards the fandom and conducted the interview as such.

Even if Brad and everyone that responded on the ANN forums was incredibly polite in the face of someone belittling them constantly, I doubt there would have been follow up AMV interviews anyway.

This entire thing reminded me of a Bill O'Rilley interview on fox news. An interview where Bill already hates whatever his guest is an expert it and then begins to talk down to his guest and contradict everything they say. Logic and reasonable arguments be damned.

oh Fox News, making others think terrible interviews are Okie Dokie.

I say what you should do is have a conversation with yourself, Brad, and Vlad about AMVs and leave the angry guy out of it. It would likely be much better conducted and full of more information.

but hell if everyone still wants to get all crazy over this thing, please do! I'm finding the whole thing Hilarious!

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Re: This week's ANNCast will feature Brad DeMoss!

Post by Brad » Fri Sep 21, 2012 7:10 pm

Maybe it's cause I've never heard of ANNCast or know who this Zac guy is, but... why was him saying negative things about AMV's so terrible? Admittedly I haven't listened to the podcast but what I've gleamed from this thread and the one on ANN, it seems like it was structured to be "we're gonna talk to this one guy about this hobby and share what we think (as little as that may be)" and not a "we're going to act as an all-knowing authority and tell people across the globe the biting truth about the AMV community, history, present and future" or whatever. I guess I don't see the point in getting so upset over it. Or is ANNCast like a huge major deal (though.. I dunno.. even if it was I still wouldn't totally get it)? If he IS a Bill O'Reilly type figure... so what?
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Re: This week's ANNCast will feature Brad DeMoss!

Post by LantisEscudo » Fri Sep 21, 2012 11:12 pm

Brad wrote:Maybe it's cause I've never heard of ANNCast or know who this Zac guy is, but... why was him saying negative things about AMV's so terrible? Admittedly I haven't listened to the podcast but what I've gleamed from this thread and the one on ANN, it seems like it was structured to be "we're gonna talk to this one guy about this hobby and share what we think (as little as that may be)" and not a "we're going to act as an all-knowing authority and tell people across the globe the biting truth about the AMV community, history, present and future" or whatever. I guess I don't see the point in getting so upset over it. Or is ANNCast like a huge major deal (though.. I dunno.. even if it was I still wouldn't totally get it)? If he IS a Bill O'Reilly type figure... so what?
Zac is Zac Bertschy, the Executive Editor of AnimeNewsNetwork, former Associate Editor of the print magazine Anime Insider, and also was the columnist for the AnswerMan column that runs on ANN (he's since handed the column over to someone else). He's kind of a big name in anime-related journalism, and has a pretty big pulpit to spread his opinions from.


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