Awesome interview, and as you know, I admire your creative persistence (even if sometimes it seems like you work on Akazawa in fits and starts, get distracted, or put massive effort into things that maybe you should save your energy on, haha). I've learned a lot from you as far as creative process goes, so I guess I can already say that you're one of my most important influences when it comes to creative projects, even if the way I typically do creative things myself is a bit different from yours. I've said this about a bunch of editors, but this certainly applies to you - I'm sad when editors stop editing AMVs, but I'm not really sad when they do so in order to pursue bigger and better things that are even more in line with their own vision, characters etc. And I think being self-indulgent and a bit out-there - even a little arrogant - about personal creative projects is a great thing in the end if it gets something done. I look forward to your original output, much as I look forward to Beo's and Qwaqa's (who are out of AMVing now for similar reasons), for instance.