Copyright Office Announces Exemptions to Mitigate DMCA Harms
Crucial support for the successful request on behalf of video remix artists – carving out new legal protection for this important art form – was provided by the Organization for Transformative Works (OTW). The OTW gathered evidence and presented testimony about the DMCA's adverse impact on several communities of remix creators, who use short clips from movies to build new creative works. The Copyright Office's decision broadens EFF's previously successful exemption request, which allows for taking short excerpts from DVDs in creating noncommercial works, by also protecting the use of clips from online streaming or downloading services.
"Remix videos are thriving on YouTube and other sites, offering dynamic criticism and commentary on popular movies as well as popular culture. It's a great example of how new technologies foster free expression, yet the anti-circumvention provisions of the DMCA endanger these important works," said McSherry. "We're thrilled that the Copyright Office broke new ground in protecting remix artists. We can't let misguided federal law block a new form of art and expression."
[source: ... ions-video]
Some caveats, just to be clear about this: First, this is a legal event regarding only the USA and not necessarily pertinent elsewhere. Second, it by no means fully "legalizes" AMV because there are plenty of other copyfight-related issues facing AMV besides commercial video sourcing. Third, by posting this I'm not in any way claiming "oh look guys, the EFF fixed everything stupid about copyright in the USA and it's all roses now." Not at all.
This is wonderful progress however, and something to be proud of, IMHO, especially if you're an editor living under US law and especially if you're a voter and/or an EFF member who's been loud and proud with your support of these kinds of reforms.
The news is always filled with such negative crap, I felt like sharing this here in case anyone missed it with everything else going on right now.