Introductions and Pleads.

General discussion of Anime Music Videos
Joined: Tue May 21, 2013 5:18 am
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Introductions and Pleads.

Post by memoproductionss » Tue May 21, 2013 5:54 am

Heyy guys , the whole community , its memo here , just trying to get my channel a bit more known :)
Anyways i've gone through a 1 or 2 youtube accounts , and my last recent change cost my subs ..
Soo , I pretty much dropped from 800 to like 20 ..and i'm just asking for all you guys helps in regaining some subs to get me started ..
My channel is , check out my vids , and much appreciated for your time ..
Dat 1 subscription is 1 smile guys :)


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