How you came up with your screen name: Pulled it out of my ass when making my Runescape account when I was 10, it stuck. I mostly go by Hacchin now though (Sanya-nya is the one to thank for that nickname)
How you discovered the Org:Found my way here while looking for an AMV I saw at Kei-Kon and impersonated Kei-Kon staff when I got into an argument over the smackdown (yeah that was me when I was 14, what do you want?).
Tell me about your studio, like how you joined/created it, etc... (If you're not in a studio, say why

Favorite genre to edit and why: Romance, because hormones (I haven't edited since high school)
Favorite newbie mistake you've made: What's a mistake?
First contest experience: If you count the VCAs, I was nominated for best first video for The Only One For Me (I love that video but I cringe when I go back and watch it because man I was a hormonal teenager). Otherwise Otakuthon, I submitted my 15 Minutes of Fame video. Didn't win anything, missed the screenings anyways so whatevs.
Best experience you've had thus far with the community: Uhhhhhhhhh, I'm gonna have to say my best experiences in the AMV community were when Godix was still with us. He cracked me up and was something of a friend to me.
Worst experience with the community: Reda, need I say more?
Why you edit: Well I haven't since high-school because laziness.
Future goals: I'm a film student right now, and I have been seeing some mild freelance success as an editor and production sound mixer.