Help me find DBZ AMVs

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Help me find DBZ AMVs

Post by Reinc » Mon Aug 25, 2014 7:43 am

There are two AMVs that were removed from Youtube and I can't find them anywhere. Help me find them, please.

The first one is most likely called "Dragonballz Vegeta AMV #2 (Haunted - Disturbed)", and, as the name suggests, uses the song Haunted by Disturbed. It begins with the scene where Vegeta stands on a rock during rain after he was defeated by Android 18, then, as the electric guitar starts playing, the video becomes fast paced; the only thing I clearly remember after this is that the part in the song with unrhymed lyrics (before the final verse) is muted and the scene when Piicolo tells Vegeta he will not have afterlife is shown instead.

The second one is going to be harder... It's a general DBZ AMV that uses the song Blow Me Away by Breaking Benjamin. I certainly remember that, while the bells (or whatever) are playing in the beginning of the song, it shows dragon balls on backgrounds of desolate landscapes (most likely unedited clip from an exposition scene in the anime), then swithes on a top-to-down view of red-tinted clouds covering the sky (above Namek, probably), and, as the electric guitar starts playing, clouds get blown away.

That's all I can recall with acceptabe degree of certainty.


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