How have your favorite editors influenced you?

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Re: How have your favorite editors influenced you?

Post by ReggieSmalls » Tue Oct 07, 2014 7:21 pm

Shui wrote:My style is but a shadow of theirs.

CastielTheFallen, Silk_SK, NS, Khameleon808, Jwalk0, macchinainterna, Rider and BecauseImBored
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Re: How have your favorite editors influenced you?

Post by dreamawake » Wed Oct 08, 2014 6:07 pm

ReggieSmalls wrote:
Shui wrote:My style is but a shadow of theirs.

CastielTheFallen, Silk_SK, NS, Khameleon808, Jwalk0, macchinainterna, Rider and BecauseImBored
D'aw, shucks. <3

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Re: How have your favorite editors influenced you?

Post by irriadin » Wed Oct 08, 2014 8:32 pm

Various editors that have influenced my style, in no specific order:

Dn@ - motion, zooms, transitions
MajinKenshin - internal sync, action sync
SilkSK - more internal sync
ThePooh & pink haze - video collage, overlays
suzuna33 - stylization, action sync
Archer - action sync, and those sick transitions

Also Shin. For preaching the gospel of Ken Burns to me back in the day.
Last edited by irriadin on Wed Oct 08, 2014 8:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: How have your favorite editors influenced you?

Post by Shin-AMV » Wed Oct 08, 2014 8:34 pm

I'm a sponge, I absorb everything from everyone. Or maybe that makes me a slut. Either way.

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Re: How have your favorite editors influenced you?

Post by macchinainterna » Wed Oct 08, 2014 8:59 pm

ReggieSmalls wrote:
Shui wrote:My style is but a shadow of theirs.

CastielTheFallen, Silk_SK, NS, Khameleon808, Jwalk0, macchinainterna, Rider and BecauseImBored
Keep it classy, Reggie. Like I always tell you :ying:

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Re: How have your favorite editors influenced you?

Post by The_McLaughlin » Thu Oct 09, 2014 12:24 am

Within the last few years I've been watching a lot of BecauseImBored's stuff, especially their action amvs, and I have noticed that my styles slowly shifting to being more action-y...which is alright because I started out with that editing style and slowly switched more towards drama just because I noticed I wasn't really able to edit action quite as well... the amv I'm working on now is most definitely an action amv and I think its way better than my first few action amvs I uploaded over here and it's not even done yet (it is my work so maybe I'm a bit biased though, guess I'll find out once it's done and uploaded and what people say about it)
Other than BecauseImBored though, Ileia's use of internal sync has started to make me try and work on my own... More than I used to, I'm still not great at it but I've had fewer comments when asking for opinions on amvs that I need to work on internal sync more so I would say since watching her stuff I've kind of taken some aspects of that from her.
Vivifx, while the amvs I watch of hers are a bit more technical, and I don't really use a ton of effects, I would still say that she has influenced me just from her tutorial video on flow on amvlog over on youtube. Since watching that I've tried to focus more on the flow in my amvs. I know it still needs a lot of work, but practice makes perfect, and the pointers she put in the video I've been trying to follow such as matching motion, the amv I'm editing now I'm going to try and venture into the world of color correcting to maybe try and make the colors match a bit. She also inspired me to want to learn how to do some of those more technical effects but I haven't really started to focus on them yet as I figured I should work more on my flow and sync first and get the basics down real well first before moving on to that stuff. But it is on my to do list of things I want to learn how to do, and it probably wouldn't be if I hadn't watched some of her stuff.

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Re: How have your favorite editors influenced you?

Post by TritioAFB » Thu Oct 09, 2014 8:19 am

Probably in getting new ideas, although I prefer to get my inspiration in other stuff rather than anime or amvs.

But in terms of influence: Shel is the one that influences me a lot. In the new video I'm making I'm doing it based in one of his previous videos
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