What makes us human - (I have this odd habit of changing the name of the video to something that's unrelated to the song now.) But this video.. well. It was supposed to be an upbeat romance I was making for someone close to me.. but seeing how as she doesn't care anymore.. I'm just kind of doing it for myself. This one means a lot to me. I've always wanted to do a romance sorta thing so I look forward to releasing it sometime next week hopefully. Lots of anime are in this one.
Not gonna die - Yet another one of my videos using attack on titan and skillet, this one is actually really fitting to the theme of the show and it's literally 10 clips from being done. Too lazy to finish it because I'm not quite sure I like it.
Til I collapse - As part of the rap video challenge posted not too long ago, this video is going to be an action packed video that primarily focuses on Kakashi and Obito in Naruto. My most recent video started.
AMV: The AMV - This video is basically going to be showing all the different kinds of AMV's out there, it's supposed to be extremely cliche and a little funny.
Fire and Fury - Video about Sasuke and Itachi and their struggles together throughout life.
The big 2 not started yet:
These two are going to be released next year (hopefully) and I haven't started yet, as I am still planning them.
"Anime as we know it?": The question mark is there because I'm not 100% set on that title yet. This I want to be a collaborative project between me and someone else (Whoever would like to volunteer) to a 8 minute long orchestral piece to a BUNCH. a BUNCH. of anime showing the different spectrums of all anime. (I have a song chosen so if you're interested do message me.

révélation: The sequel to S'evade. I did a lot of thought on making a sequel (I don't make sequels often if at all) and I came up with an idea and a song that made it too amazing to not do. So expect a sequel to S'evade next year.
I'm looking forward to all these projects. Feel free to comment on the ideas, I've got a lot on my plate and do remember, I would like someone for the collab. project. Thanks for reading