New York/Busy City

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New York/Busy City

Post by Mastamind » Thu Nov 06, 2014 2:54 am

Howdy do.
I'm looking for some scenes of New York City, or busy streets that'd look like New York City. More recent animation (as in content and quality - looking for more modern stuff, not like the early 20th century depiction of New York in Baccano) would be preferred. I know of a few scenes in Garden of Words that fit the bill, but I'm looking for much more.
Thank you for any help!

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Re: New York/Busy City

Post by dragontamer5788 » Fri Nov 07, 2014 12:37 am

Plenty of anime show Tokyo (or specifically Akihabara), or other big city locations across Japan.

* NYC itself is the center of "Eden of the East: The King of Eden", the movie that takes place after the series.
* Durarara was set in Ikebukuro, a very busy city.


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