Regarding Akross and the VCAs

General discussion of Anime Music Videos
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Regarding Akross and the VCAs

Post by Radical_Yue » Tue Dec 30, 2014 10:04 am

I just thought I'd post something a bit formal regarding this to make it clear how we'll be approaching Akross and the VCAs.

It was brought to our attention last year that a decent amount of entries that were in both Akross and the VCAs had actually been uploaded to Akross after the deadline for the VCAs had passed. While I love Akross and some of the phenomenal videos it produces, this is breaking the VCA rules and it will no longer be allowed.
This year we will be checking the "Added by" date on Akross entries in the VCAs to verify they qualify for the contest. If they vidoes were not added to the Akross website until after 2014 then the date on the Org will be corrected and they will be allowed to compete in the following year's VCAs.
Again, we will be using the Added Date which indicates when the editor submit it to Akross as opposed to the Premiere date for when it went live on the website.

Those that have put in place holder catalog entries for their AMVs without uploading them will still be allowed to do so but will only be allowed to compete in the coming 2015 VCAs if the video was added to Akross while in the year 2014 and the catalog entry was listed in the year 2014.

Thank you for your time!

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Re: Regarding Akross and the VCAs

Post by TritioAFB » Tue Dec 30, 2014 4:30 pm

Took you so much guys to put this, but thanks for clarifying this, at least the crowd would not have problems this time :up:
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