I grant the AMV is far from perfect but it's not that badly cut. I have seen far, far worse. At least it has heart and it illustrate my point that light pop/techno whatever does not equal soulless.Tigrin wrote:
I don't think this is the fault of the music so much as the editing. It's an amateur mistake to just throw down a whole clip completely unedited and untimed to the music. This video you linked is actually a good example of poor timing in that sense; too many clips just play out without any attempt at internal or external sync. It's just a matter of course that if you're looking for AMVs on YouTube, which has a huge accessible community, you're going to run across a lot of bad AMVs before finding good ones. It's not the music's fault.
The trouble is that my examples of light pop. techno, whatever you want to call it, are few and far to chose from between because there aren't many and I am finding they are being banned! Even one of mine youtube has just decided to ban!
NOTE: I have uploaded the video I originally wanted to show on my test/prototyping site. I get copyright 'dinged' there it won;t matter.
See it before it gets banned or something. I want more like this!
My problem is the music bias. Here is my case. I jumped into youtube and viewed AMV's under the following titles. Spot the pattern:
"Stein's gate" - time travel, technology, screaming for techno in my opinion!
1. Rock
2. Indie I think (bleah anyway)
3. I don't actually know how to define...
4. Piano
5. Rock
6. Rock
No synth or techno by any definition, including light pop.
"Golden Time." Romantic, worth a light pop love song?
1. Guitar
2. Guitar
3. Guitar
4. Guitar
5. Guitar
6. Light pop which I would count as 'techno' by my wide definition.
7. Dunno. Can't define.
8. Rock [I liked this one.]
"Knights of Sidonia - SF and screaming for techno - and orchestral, I grant.
1. Guitar. Acoustic guitar for (horror) science fiction??!
2. Techno - and it's brilliant! At last!
3. Rock
4. Rock
5. Techno- and again, very good!
6. Techno.
7. Orchestral/OST
OK, I got caught out on "Knights of Sidonia" - things have changed it seems since last time I went looking.
"The world God only knows."
1. Can't define. Sorta indie I think.
2. Rock
3. Rock
4. I don't know, guitar mainly.
5. Rock
6. I don't know, mainly piano.
7. Light pop I would say.
8. Rick Gastly. Noooooooooo!
9. Guitar
1 Guitar
2. Rock
3. Rock
4. Rock
5. Rock
6. Rock
7. Rock
8. Rock
[I give up at that point.]
This is what I mean! If I select any given AMV, especially for anything remotely romantic, I know I will get guitar or Rock or something weird I can't define but not techno in any sense.
As I say, I went looking for the 'Girl who leapt through time' AMV I really liked and found...
1. Guitar
2. One (weak) techno I grant
3. Piano
4. Rock (of course.)
5. Guitar (of course)
6. Rock
People seem to think 'heart' automatically equals guitar or maybe piano. Then, I tend to find people, thinking they have a song with heart trough clips at it and you have a lot of mess. But even when it's well cut, the bias in music choice is making me tear my hair out! And this is before we hit battle anime such as Naruto or Bleach (which I don't watch) which you can guarentee will be rock just about - and is appropriate. But I am not been looking for those titles.
Where is the techno? The light pop? The synthesizer - for anything?!
OK, it gives me plenty of room for AMV creation as I can virtually given that for any given anime title the music will be non-techno (by any definition) and leaning towards rock or guitar. But its also very frustrating. It takes me 2-3 months to put an AMV together and so it's slow going!