Help with WMG blocked AMV's

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Help with WMG blocked AMV's

Post by kuratossu » Mon Jun 13, 2016 5:42 pm

I tried to upload my AMV to YouTube, but it got blocked by WMG in many countries including my own. I've tried to change pitch and speed of the audio but it doesn't work at all, it gets blocked every time. It's just so unfair: I took part with this video in a contest and won a prize and everyone else from my fellow contestans has been able to upload their videos even though they include also music from WMG. And I said that I'll upload my video as well but I have no idea what else I should try... Why does only my video get blocked and not theirs? I've found my song in other YouTube videos as well and they are not blocked. It feels so unfair! This has never happened to me before. There are thousands of AMV's with music from WMG, why don't they get blocked? They are violating copyright just as much as I am! What do I do wrong? Please help, I'd really like to have my AMV on YouTube with everyone else's AMV's...

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The Old School Otaku
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Re: Help with WMG blocked AMV's

Post by ngsilver » Mon Jun 13, 2016 10:34 pm

Other then you really shouldn't be using it and they have the full right to do what they're doing, Youtube's content ID system is broken. Not really anything that can be done with that. Upload your video here, throw a short clip on YT with a diff song and link people here to watch/download.


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