I'm looking for my old "Yomiko Readman, Ode to Joy" "AMV"

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I'm looking for my old "Yomiko Readman, Ode to Joy" "AMV"

Post by animefan1 » Sat Apr 22, 2017 12:22 pm

I posted this on a-m-v.org about 7 years, but I am having an issue with my old computer where the original video was on and I can't get it off of there until I get it fixed, which I don't even know when i'll be able to do THAT. And for those of you know what the video is, YES, I KNOW that's it can't be considered an AMV, but I actually want to use that VIDEO in another type of panel that i'm doing at Zenkaikon in Lancaster, PA this coming Saturday at 10:15 AM. It's called "Inspirational/Uplifting Moments In Anime" and i'll be featuring the scene where Yomiko hums "Ode To Joy" in the "Read or Die" movie, and I want to use the video that I initially uploaded (on here) where I explained WHY I made and uploaded that video, featuring a "surprising influence" where I show HIM "singing" it first (w/ slides to follow, then the scene from the movie i'm talking about).

And just as an FYI, it was mostly BECAUSE it wasn't an AMV that I decided to ask the a-m-v.org team to take it down, so obviously, it's not on my page here either. So if someone could find it for me, upload it somewhere, and send me the link where I can download it to my NEW computer, I would be VERY grateful! Thank you.
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Re: I'm looking for my old "Yomiko Readman, Ode to Joy" "AMV"

Post by seasons » Sat Apr 22, 2017 1:18 pm

This video featured anime and music but it's not an AMV? Was it ever available to upload here?

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Re: I'm looking for my old "Yomiko Readman, Ode to Joy" "AMV"

Post by animefan1 » Thu May 04, 2017 5:20 am

Yes, it WAS available up here to download, because like I said, I was the one who made it. But as I said before, since I eventually realized that it was not actually an AMV, among other reasons, so I asked the a-m-v.org team myself if they would take it down. But since I need that AMV for a new project i'm working on, I wondering if anyone on here knows what i'm talking about and if so, if anybody has a copy of that AMV on their computer, Hard Disc Drive, Dropbox account, etc. to please upload it (if it's not already uploaded that is) and send me the link so I can have a copy of it on my new computer (at least until I can get my old one fixed) so I can work on what I wanted to work on. Ok, once again, thank you.
Shenanicon AMV Showcase Staff (2024)

Derpycon AMV Contest Coordinator (2024)

"Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man HOW to fish and you feed him for life."
-Lao Tzu via Mr. White (Tenkai Knights)


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