false youtube copyright claim?

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Re: false youtube copyright claim?

Post by ComplicatedMuse » Fri Mar 22, 2024 3:38 pm

Since I sometimes edit songs, I have some sense of how ContentID picks up fingerprints. Therefore, for it to pick up the video in its entirety is very odd to me if it really is a studio claim on the source material. (But I don't know the actual algo, so I can totally be off the mark here.)
Since it's a multichannel network, while I actually trust the network is a valid entity, I think there is a distinct possibility that there are a few bad apples within a good network. And since my current assumption is that it's a bad actor abusing the system, while I think that I believe I should be able to claim fair use if I continue to pursue this, continue to deal with people acting on bad faith doesn't seem like a smart move.
I guess it's a rite of passage....?


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