NKode, heard of it?

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Joined: Wed Jun 18, 2003 2:18 am
Location: East Texas, USA
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NKode, heard of it?

Post by ZeUs2o0o » Wed Jun 18, 2003 9:15 pm

Hey everyone, I had to figure out a way to introduce myself to everyone and since my studio is NKode, I figured I would see if anybody has heard of us.

We currently have several videos up on a-m-v.org and I'm working on getting more of our videos up on here. Right now T0mb0ner, Cganim8t0r, and I have our own profiles with videos. We just put one profile up to support the rest of our videos and to post some of our newest releases.

Soon, we'll be releasing more videos in the upcoming weeks. I'll be releasing my first video in over a year, in the middle of August.
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