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General discussion of Anime Music Videos
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Post by Scintilla » Mon May 03, 2004 6:25 pm

DemonSpawn wrote:
Scintilla wrote:
DemonSpawn wrote:And to further add to the confusion, I'd like to point out that the AMVs themselves are copyrighted by their authors
Yeah, I see how that could get that response. Essentially, the audio and video may be copyrighted by someone else, but the work, ideas, etc. are the creator's intellectual property. Of course, it may not hold up in court, but... *shrugs*
AMVs = creators' intellectual property? Perhaps.
But copyrightable by them? I highly doubt it.
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Post by koronoru » Tue May 04, 2004 9:48 am

Scintilla wrote:But copyrightable by them? I highly doubt it.
It would be a compilation copyright. If the creator had copyright permission for the source material, then it's a no-brainer - editing something does create a new copyright, held by the editor. The only ambiguity is that if the creator didn't have permission, then the result might be an infringing derivative work and its copyrights held by the people who had copyright on the source material.

But that's not the point. We shouldn't be using copyright law to answer this question because under copyright law we're all in the wrong anyway. We should be using the standards and practices of our community. The standards and practices of our community are that you don't fuck with an AMV someone else created, without their permission. It's not neceesary to say whether that's a copyright, a trademark, some other kind of intellectual property, or just a polite agreement.

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Post by koronoru » Tue May 04, 2004 9:52 am

trythil wrote:
dark_myuutwo wrote: And I suppose that you guys would be right about the original aspect ratio thing (OAR), but there are a few videos that are 16:9 too, it's not limited to just 4:3
That's no excuse to go converting every video to 16:9.
I suppose if you have a bunch of things of differing aspect ratios that you want to collect all together, it would make sense to convert them. But the right way to convert them would be to add black bars where necessary - either letterbox the 16:9 material to 4:3, or picketfence (is that the right term? I just made it up, but it sounds like it could be right) the 4:3 material to 16:9. You'd probably want to convert them all to 4:3 instead of all to 16:9, because 4:3 screens are still way more popular, and 4:3 material picketfenced to 16:9 and then letterboxed back to 4:3 is going to look really bad.

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Post by Hitori » Tue May 04, 2004 6:31 pm

Funny email I got today...
And it was a mass email to a lot of people... :evil:

an email wrote:To Whom It May Concern.

I, the editor and owner of GH Studio’s, would first like to say hello.

Well done AMV on the excellent anime videos you created in CD format.

I would like the opportunity of turning the mentioned AMV’s (Anime Music Videos) that were kindly supplied to me by AMV Distribution Center, into DVD format distribution purposes.

All DVD’s will be provided free, except for cost of providing blank DVD disks, postage and packaging charges incurred.

All AMV will be designed with the following aspect;

1. All the videos will be on a 16:9 background aspect ratio. This will allow all interested persons to be able to view them on future 16:9 TV’s.

2. Multiple DVD’s, if required, (all the DVD’s will have colour coded labels and tagged to prevent them being housed in the incorrect case.

3. Interactive menus will be provided.

4. Chapter lists will be standard.

5. Details regarding the designer etc.

6. A company or personal logo, where one is available, will be displayed along with the AMV Distribution Centre’s Logo, as well as my personal logo.

7. Comments on each DVD will give the latest dialogue on chapters if same is available.

8. I will be contacting all relevant companies ascertain whether they would like any additional information included, or alternatively a personal welcoming introduction video, added at the beginning of each DVD. These will need to be provided by the relevant individual/company.

9. Each individual/company/studio/production will have a different colour scheme for individuality. No menu will be the same as there are no person’s tastes that are the same.

10. This will be a non-profit scheme to provide individuals with anime productions similar to the service provided by AMV.

11. No advertising will be added to any DVD produced by GH Studios.

Logos that will be added to the DVD cases appear on the following page:

[AMV Distro Image]

This Image will be transparent and the text will be black unless this conflicts with the displayed background colour, in which case the text will be white.

[GH Studio's Image]

My individual logo, GH Studio’s

Thank you for your kind consideration.

Your’s sincerely,

[name omitted]

I just wonder if this is from the same person.... :?

And my reply:

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Post by nailz » Wed May 05, 2004 7:45 am

Don't do it, but if you do feel the need to be a complete moron and ruin it for the rest of us, don't put my videos on it either.
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Post by Red Wolf » Wed May 05, 2004 11:51 am

I wish to make something clear. This use of the Distro's name and logo in the email Hitori pointed out was never sanctioned by me in any way and never will be. I have sent a message to the original sender making that point to him directly.

I would also be very upset to see anyone take CDs provided by the Distro and turn them into a profit making device.

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Post by )v(ajin Koji » Wed May 05, 2004 1:11 pm

I say he should go ahead with it and see the mess he creates first hand.
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Post by dark_myuutwo » Fri May 14, 2004 3:56 pm

Interestingly enough, I did not write that letter mentioned on page 3 of this topic. It seems someone took my ideas and wanted to pull a prank of some sort

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Post by Corran » Fri May 14, 2004 4:46 pm

O.o I can't believe I didn't see this thread...

I wonder if I should put bumpers in front of my future videos warning people my video is free fanart and if they payed for it they were cheated, like the AniMix project does at the begining of the video.


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