a matter of resolution

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a matter of resolution

Post by Mastashake » Tue Jul 05, 2005 1:25 pm

After a miniseries worth of delays, I am finally in a position to upload newer videos I have done. However, the capabilities of the standard viewers pc have changed since last I did this. So I am wondering what the standard resolution is for videos these days. Is it still 320 or 352 or has it moved up to higher resolutions? I ask this so that I may know what size version of the videos to upload.

I would greatly appreciate feedback on this. If your curious to see what video I am debating the size on, I am on IM as: floogy7
right now, so if that helps you give advice then there I am.

Ian Roddy

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Post by Scintilla » Tue Jul 05, 2005 1:30 pm

There are still plenty of 320x240 videos around, but I believe it's currently fashionable to provide copies at resolutions of at least 512x384.

Of course, playback-ability will also be affected by how much motion you've got and how much you're compressing the video.
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