is anyone else concerned about the RIAA's recent activity?

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Post by khyron » Wed Jul 27, 2005 12:30 pm

Otohiko wrote:Have we had this discussion before? Yes. But I think it's a threat most of us should be pretty used to living with by now. It's not like it's anything new, honestly.
I agree that the concern is nothing new, but I also believe that this latest incident marks behavior "unprecedented" by the RIAA. I, at least, am not aware of previous attacks against "fan made music videos" of any kind, whether they be MTV mashups, videogame inspired, or containing "Japanese cartoons". I think the move by the RIAA against machinima is "something new" and something to be worried about.

I would love to be wrong about this and for this site to remain untouched for years to come. I'm just suggesting someone somewhere be concerned enough about this possibility to prepare in some way.

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Post by Pie Row Maniac » Wed Jul 27, 2005 12:36 pm

What's the link to that thread that explained this topic in full detail?

And why isn't it a sticky? ;)
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Post by khyron » Wed Jul 27, 2005 12:43 pm

Pie Row Maniac wrote:What's the link to that thread that explained this topic in full detail?

And why isn't it a sticky? ;)
I would love to see such a thing. I looked and found a lengthy thread about the Trusted Computing initiative, but that's not at all what I'm expressing concern about. I'm also not expressing concern about general, sweeping RIAA actions which don't relate directly to fan-made music videos.

I am, in fact, expressing concern about the RIAA shutting down sites which, for the sake of legal argument, are almost exactly the same as this one.

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Post by njamunky » Wed Jul 27, 2005 1:03 pm

i dont know why they would do that. our argument is free fan art, where the artists voluntarily share their work with the whole wide world. musical artists cant complain because the music had to come from somewhere, which is MOST LIKELY bought for better sound quality, rather than file-shared and downloaded. anime, if you look hard enough, is friggin free anyways. why would the RIAA be pissed at us if we ARE buying the material in order to make FREE FAN ART? they dont have a reason. i guess if we made it mandatory to buy the music, at least, instead of downloading it, and had a way to maintain security on it, then it wouldnt be a problem. then again, there goes our freedom. i swear, the RIAA is almost too much like bush. conservative a-holes, thats all they are, only trying to make a dollar off trhe working man!!!! :evil:
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Post by staces » Wed Jul 27, 2005 1:12 pm

I would be really really sad if the org were shut down. =(

But I have a question. Like this site is massively huge and costs lots of money (I'm guessing) to keep so many GBs worth of files up and downloadable all the time. So if some company were to just immediately shut down the org isn't it some form of stealing? I mean, wouldn't there have to be some form of compensation for all the costs paid for the servers?

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Post by khyron » Wed Jul 27, 2005 1:16 pm

njamunky wrote:i dont know why they would do that. our argument is free fan art, where the artists voluntarily share their work with the whole wide world. musical artists cant complain because the music had to come from somewhere, which is MOST LIKELY bought for better sound quality, rather than file-shared and downloaded. anime, if you look hard enough, is friggin free anyways. why would the RIAA be pissed at us if we ARE buying the material in order to make FREE FAN ART? they dont have a reason. i guess if we made it mandatory to buy the music, at least, instead of downloading it, and had a way to maintain security on it, then it wouldnt be a problem. then again, there goes our freedom. i swear, the RIAA is almost too much like bush. conservative a-holes, thats all they are, only trying to make a dollar off trhe working man!!!! :evil:
As I pointed out earlier, and someone else made a better attempt at explaining, this has nothing to do with logical thought or a "reason". The RIAA cracks down on things which contain music the RIAA controls. They do not "need" a reason to do that under present legal conditions, nor do they even need to be legally "right" in order to inflict damage on or curtail the freedoms of others, this has been proven time and again in recent years.

Now, they have not cracked down on fan-made music videos before (to my knowledge). Today they have. That is what's different. I don't think anyone on this forum would disagree with the points you make, but nevertheless the RIAA is not going to care about any of that, no matter how logical it may be.

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Post by Zarxrax » Wed Jul 27, 2005 1:46 pm

If worse comes to worse, as kusoyaro said, its not the end of the world. AMVs existed before the org, and they will exist after the org. And heck, worse case scenario, I doubt much would happen besides the local servers would get shut down, and the org would go back to how it was before the donut.
It is certainly disappointing that this other fan-video site has been shut down. In the case that they decided to come down on the org, I could only hope that Phade or someone would opt to fight it in court, though I seriously doubt he would take that position, considering the consequences that could befall him.
(heck, maybe I could even fight the case for him, RIAA sues me, they cant get anything :p)

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Post by SuperFusion » Wed Jul 27, 2005 1:56 pm

I don't see why they're bitching. They're making money off of me, I'm not making money off of them. :/

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Post by downwithpants » Wed Jul 27, 2005 1:56 pm

Pie Row Maniac wrote:And why isn't it a sticky? ;)
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Post by TaranT » Wed Jul 27, 2005 2:09 pm

By coincidence, this article was just posted today:
People who illegally share music files online are also big spenders on legal music downloads...

More needs to be done to capitalise on the power of the peer-to-peer networks that many music downloaders still use, said the report's authors.

The study found that regular downloaders of unlicensed music spent an average of £5.52 a month on legal digital music. This compares to just £1.27 spent by other music fans. ...



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