FMA & dream on

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FMA & dream on

Post by DocAlpha » Thu Sep 15, 2005 1:01 am

i've just watched a AMV .. and noticed that the concept was great but the exicution was very very poor.

so i'd like to put this idea out there so i can one day hopefully see what could have been an extreamly powerful vid. and not a staughter of art like i just saw.

the concept was the song "dream on" by arosmith talking about alphonz elrick in full metal alchemist's dreaming of a way to right the wrongs he'd done by trying to bring his mother back and how he wishs to one day bring him & his brother back to there true selfs.

i would like whoever acsepts this task to just sit down and listen to the song for a while and grasp the idea that i'm talking about.

i know there are some great editors out there and i know this is a great consept .. and would make for a powerful AMV if done right.. i personaly have no editing skills but after watching that mocery of a AVM that i got the consept from i KNOW it can be done better.


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