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General discussion of Anime Music Videos
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Post by JaddziaDax » Sat May 20, 2006 7:50 pm

theres more to do aside from TECHNICAL "leading" granted technical is what most people focus on...

theres plenty of "avenues" that havent been explored in this fanart.

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Post by xoverburnx » Sun May 21, 2006 2:05 pm

My suggestion: take a two year break from a-m-v.org , do your own videos, then come back here.

thats kind of what I did and I'm haven't been desensitized to whats overused yet. (probably why i just did an advent children and kingdom hearts music vid... i know better now that i came back here lol)

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Post by SilvaHime » Mon May 22, 2006 2:58 pm

Paul Kievits wrote:But anyway, I really think people need to stop making AMV's for the sake of putting there name out somewhere and just make AMV's for the sake of creating something new (hence not aping another video). I totally agree with Beo...
Definitely agree with you. I downloaded many videos from the top 10 and very few of them i kept. there are quite a few not on the top 10 that i kept as well. The reason I keep an amv is because it makes me feel something when i watch it, not because it has the most visual effects and lensflare and seizure-inducing fun, those are fun though. It should be looked at as a huge suggestion box for something a person might enjoy and let the leader be whoever each person decides.


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