(I don't really think you guys should know... XD)
anyways, here are my ideas, and I'll post the Lyrics of each song in a reply:
Anime: Princess Princess
Song: Rembrants/ "I'll be there for you" (aka "Friends" op song)
General Idea: well, mostly describing the friendship between the characters of Princess Princess ^_^
I think it really suits the atmosphere of the show and although some words can be problematic, they're mostly minor things, and most of the lyrics go really well with what goes on in the show...
Anime: Ouran High School Host Club
Song: Savage Garden/ "I want you"
General Idea: The lyrics of the song are just perfect for an AMV describing Tamaki's behavior towards Haruhi. A lot of the lyrics describe how the "speaker" continuosly fantasizes this girl, which is pretty much what Tamaki does in many episodes of the series, and overall I would've really wanted to take it upon myself to create this AMV, but... circumstances ._.
Anime: Naruto
Song: Phill Collins/ Son of a Man
General Idea: Actually, this AMV idea suits better the earlier episodes of the series and I'm quite surprised nobody made an AMV of this by now. My idea in mind is an AMV focusing on Naruto mostly. I dunno, I just think it really suits the light atmosphere that you can recognize in most earlier episodes of the show... It describes Naruto's childhood and his enthusistic spirit to grow stronger eve so. And the whole music that was made for the Tarzan Disney movie really suits the jumping off trees that the characters do in many episodes of the series...
I think, this should be a vey light AMV, pretty much categorized just as "fun". (btw, what is it with people trying to suit their AMVs to as many categories as possible? Having less categories doesn't make your AMV less good... just pondering...)
Anyways, I was wondering if anybody is interested in taking upon themselves the challenge of creating one of these AMVs?

Many thanks!