Gundam Seed/Destiny Video needs a Song Sugestion

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Post by Tarage » Fri Sep 15, 2006 1:19 am

I came across two potential songs. Well, one isn't so much a song as an editing program that could MAKE a song. The program is called Finale, and I 'found' it and installed it. However, at the same time, Muse came out with a new CD. And that is where the second potential song comes in.

The song is called 'Map of the Problematique'. The lyrics BEG to be made into this video. With lines like "And No one thinks they are to blame. Why can't we see that when we bleed we bleed the same." fit the entire concept of the Seed series.

I wish the song was a tad more 'hard', but it will do. I might add some more piano with Finale if I can figure out how to use the program. Other than that, it is perfect. Thank you everyone who helped. Now I need to make the video...


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Post by irwinfrde » Mon Sep 18, 2006 7:42 pm

I think I have the perfect song for you.
Feast of Burden by Dark Tranquillity

it's fast, metal, has a great instrumental part with piano in the middle and everything. Give it a shot. If not that, Dimmu Borgir also has some violin/piano metal.

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Post by EnternalFreedom » Mon Sep 25, 2006 7:50 pm

bashing aside i think thousand foot krutch-move would be a great song to put to a seed vid


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