General discussion of Anime Music Videos
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Medicinal Leech
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Post by Ashyukun » Tue Oct 08, 2002 3:05 pm

The Wired Knight wrote:
AMV: Cowboy Bebop
found that on the other page of, such video won in 2001 at AX. I'm lost, the winners were Vlad, Eric and Ermac, where the Hell did this Bebop video come from that he says won at AX 2001?
I'd imagine that would be this video, which apparently was at least entered in the competition at AX2001. I remember it because it also competed in AXNY's contest (and was noteable because it was on DVD, not tape). Reading through the description, I'd imagine that the German writer just got confused- it was apparently a finalist at AX2001. I'd figure the writer simply doesn't know how AMV contests are run, and figured 'finalist' meant 'winner'. :roll:
Bob 'Ash' Babcock
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Post by JCD » Tue Oct 08, 2002 3:20 pm

Ashyukun wrote: I'd imagine that would be this video, which apparently was at least entered in the competition at AX2001. I remember it because it also competed in AXNY's contest (and was noteable because it was on DVD, not tape). Reading through the description, I'd imagine that the German writer just got confused- it was apparently a finalist at AX2001. I'd figure the writer simply doesn't know how AMV contests are run, and figured 'finalist' meant 'winner'. :roll:
this would be the solution... I'll try to remark the writer of this.

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Post by JCD » Wed Oct 09, 2002 11:49 am

The Wired Knight wrote:Update us when you get a reply, Id like to know what they say. I think it's cool you got featured like this but it's rather innaporpriate that you weren't consulted or anything. I've gota good hunch that they are going to say you don't own the rights so they can show them however the please.
aww, a triple post...
ok, I've recieved a reply and saw the show.
I'll post the e-mails until now here... begin with the bottom ^^

--- My reply ---
Hallo Daniel,
--- Hi Daniel

natürlich bin ich auch sehr geehrt dass meine Videos in eurer Sendung
gezeigt wurden, jedoch finden sich auf sehr wohl
Informationen über den Creator und zwar genau hier:
Wenn man auf meinen Nick klickt gelangt man zu meiner Homepage, wo man
genug Informationen über mich findet und wie man mich kontaktiert. Ganz
davon abgesehen ist am ende/anfang jedes Videos (bis auf Breakdance)
ein Bild, auf dem steht: "Made by JCD, oder www.ani-".
--- I'm again pleased that they have shown my amvs, but I'm saying that animespy has the info about me and logos in my videos, too.
Meines Wissens wussten die 4 Webmaster von Animespy auch wirklich nicht
darüber bescheid dass ihr die AMVs in der Sendung präsentiert.
--- I'm saying that the 4 webmasters of animespy weren't informed about this, too.
Dass noch niemand Einwände gemacht hat könnte eventuell daran liegen
dass die meissten Creators dessen Videos ihr auf eurer Homepage zeigt
usw. aus der USA und anderen Nationen stammen (z.b. William Milberry
[Aluminumstudios] oder Kevin Caldwell), wo sie wirklich nichts darüber
--- I had a possible solution why nobody was comparing before: The most AMV-Creators are americans who absolutely know nothing about this show, which videos are presented on their site (for example aluminumstudios and Kevin Caldwell)
Ich beschwere mich in dem Sinne auch nicht richtig, doch ihr wärt
wirklich in der Lage gewesen zumindest meinen Nickname zu nennen. Ich
Möchte euch bitten, wenn ihr nochmal soetwas macht (was ich natürlich
sehr begrüssen werde, auch wenn die Videos nicht von mir stammen),
setzt doch bitte den Creator und die Website von der die Videos stammen
mit euch in Verbindung.
--- I'm not really comparing, but I please them to inform the creators and the websites in the future about this.

Ansonsten möchte ich noch darauf hinweisen dass das Cowboy Bebop
Video "Lost in Space" auf eurer Homepage keineswegs der Gewinner
der Anime-Expo 2001 war, sondern legedlich eines der Filnalisten. Die
drei Gewinnervideos waren von ...
--- I'm remarking him of that what The Weird Knight wrote (AX 01 Contest)

Gruß, Stephan
--- Greetz

----- This is the Reply -----
Von: "Daniel van Moll" <>
Datum: Mittwoch, 9. Oktober 2002 12:40 pm
Betreff: AW: AMVs in eurer Sendung - Ich bin der Macher und somit

> Grüß Dich (ich darf doch "Du" sagen, oder?),
--- Greetz
> wir haben uns rechtlich abgesichert, indem wir die Quelle der Videos
> bekannt gegeben haben.
--- He says that he was in the right because he showed the source where he got the AMVs (he spoke only a very little about it)
> Leider war auf keine Information über den Autor der Videos
> zu finden, aus diesem Grund war es unserer Redaktion nicht
> möglich, im
> Vorfeld Kontakt aufzunehmen. Sonst hätten wir das natürlich getan.
--- :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
He sais had no kind of information who the creator was, If they know who was it they would have contacted me.
STUPID FOLKS!!!! HAS informations about me and a link to my homepage where It's easily possible to get in contact with me. Anyway, my logos are in the videos (except breakdance) where my nick and my homepage url is given. one of the logos was even shown a while in the show!!! how blind can people be?
> Sollte Dich das in irgendeiner Form empört haben, bitte ich das zu
> entschuldigen.
--- If I got angry in any form, they will apologize about it.
> Wir zeigen regelmäßig "AMVs", bisher gab es noch nie Einwände der
> Autoren.
--- They never had comparations about AMVs from their creators
> Lieben Gruß,
> Daniel van Moll
> _______________________________
> NBC GIGA - The Future is you!
> Mo.-Fr. von 15.00 - 20.00 Uhr
> live bei NBC EUROPE.
> --
> Kaistr. 11
> 40221 Düsseldorf
> > -----The Mail I sent them-----
> > Von:
> []
> > Gesendet: Dienstag, 8. Oktober 2002 21:01
> > An:
> > Betreff: AMVs in eurer Sendung - Ich bin der Macher und somit
> > Copyrightinhaber
> >
> >
> > Sehr geehrter Herr van Moll,
--- very pleased Mr. van Moll,
> >
> > ich habe soeben erfahren dass meine Anime Musik-Videos in eurer
> > Sendung gezeigt wurden und auch auf eurer Homepage eine
> Bewertung zu
> > diesen Videos ist. Wahrscheinlich bekamt ihr diese Videos von
> > , wo ein sehr guter Freund von mir Webmaster ist
> und
> > somit auch die AMVs dort upgeloadet hat.
--- I'm remarking him of the AMV's he viewed and how he possibly got them.
> > Natürlich ist es eine grosse Ehre für mich dass ihr meine Videos
> > gezeigt habt, nicht zuletzt dass es überhaupt die ersten Fan-
> AMVs
> > waren die im Deutschen Fensehen zu sehen waren.
--- I'm glad that my ones were the first ones in german tv
> > Jedoch finde ich es höchst unangebracht dass man mich nicht
> darüber
> > informiert hat und auch meines Wissens mit nichts
> > ausgemacht wurde. Natürlich ist das Internet öffentlich, also
> werfe
> > ich euch somit nichts vor, allerdings ist es doch etwas unerhört
> dass
> > ich darüber nicht in Kenntnis gesetzt wurde, geschweige denn
> auch nur
> > irgendeinen kleinen Verweis auf mich zu lenken.
--- I'm comparing that he didn't inform me and even (the site where some of my vids are hosted) didn't know anything about it.
> > Ist ja schön und
> gut
> > dass ihr meine Kommentare (ursprünglich Stammend von meiner
> Homepage,
> > genehmigt von animespy) benutzt habt, jedoch konnte wirklich
> (ausser
> > durch den Download-link zu animespy) keiner wissen wer diese
> Videos
> > gemacht hat!? Falls doch, bitte ich dies zu entschuldigen, da
> ich die
> > Sendung nicht sehen konnte weil ich wiegesagt nichts davon wusste.
--- I'm comparing that nobody was able to know who made the videos (except, and I'm apologizing if that wasn't the case.
> >
> > Dennoch war es eine sehr gute Idee von euch, ich spreche euch
> trotz
> > der obrigen Kritik meinen Dank aus, dass es meine AMVs waren die
> ihr
> > präsentiert habt.
--- Anyway It was a good Idea to view AMVs, I'm very glad that these were made by me.
> >
> > Mit freundlichen Grüssen,
--- (Greetz)
> >
> > Stephan Teusch alias JCD ( )
> >
> >
> >

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The Wired Knight
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Post by The Wired Knight » Wed Oct 09, 2002 1:01 pm

I can't believe they were that stupid, I told you he would make up some b.s. excuse. Anyway, just to be mean, change the links for your videos and everything for a little bit just to mess with them. :twisted: Ok now I'm just being evil and twisted again...

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Post by Rellik » Wed Oct 09, 2002 1:02 pm

Although I find it a bit funny to claim a copyright of an AMV, which in turn uses footage NOT cleared for public presentation (that is why TV Stations normaly only show several second, as they are allowed to use short excerpts), I do understand why JCD is not amused.

I have a bit of info about TV journalists for JCD: They are often forced to work really fast and very few of them take the time to check their sources.
A show like giga, which is even more fast paced then most other shows, has to sacrifice some things to speed. One of those things is work related to proper background research. I am not excusing giga (I don´t like them either), this is just to help you understand their perspective.

If you want to improve the situation for AMV creators in general you should write them that you appreciate what they did but that u feel that AMV´s could be presented in the right way with very little effort and offer them background info. The only thing they need to do is show the vids with their respective creator titles...

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Post by Lyrs » Wed Oct 09, 2002 1:06 pm

Sucks doesn't it....?
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Post by JCD » Wed Oct 09, 2002 2:07 pm

can't believe they were that stupid, I told you he would make up some b.s. excuse.
that was the case. but they're stupid anyway, because it was stupid of them to give me such a stupid reason...
Rellik wrote:Although I find it a bit funny to claim a copyright of an AMV, which in turn uses footage NOT cleared for public presentation (that is why TV Stations normaly only show several second, as they are allowed to use short excerpts), I do understand why JCD is not amused.

I have a bit of info about TV journalists for JCD: They are often forced to work really fast and very few of them take the time to check their sources.
A show like giga, which is even more fast paced then most other shows, has to sacrifice some things to speed. One of those things is work related to proper background research. I am not excusing giga (I don´t like them either), this is just to help you understand their perspective.

If you want to improve the situation for AMV creators in general you should write them that you appreciate what they did but that u feel that AMV´s could be presented in the right way with very little effort and offer them background info. The only thing they need to do is show the vids with their respective creator titles...
the videos weren't shown in complete length... from each video only the first minute. i forgot to tell about this above.
sure they have to work fast, but I think one of the most important things is to show who made the videos and ask the creator if they could use the videos.[/quote]

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I saw it...

Post by Shasty » Thu Feb 05, 2004 3:05 pm

I am a German and accidently I watched it...
I was very happy that GIGA presented this page, 'cause if they would hadn't done it yesterday, I probably would have sent them a mail to feature this very cool page...

The three featured AMVs were very cool and I think it's right that they have shown them and not anything else...
Expect the unexpected!

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Flint the Dwarf
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Post by Flint the Dwarf » Thu Feb 05, 2004 3:44 pm

Okay... this topic is over a year old. :roll:
Kusoyaro: We don't need a leader. We need to SHUT UP. Make what you want to make, don't make you what you don't want to make. If neither of those applies to you, then you need to SHUT UP MORE.

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Lord of the Dance
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Post by JCD » Thu Feb 05, 2004 6:06 pm

flint_the_dwarf wrote:Okay... this topic is over a year old. :roll:
And I'm already pretty much over it :]
The three featured AMVs were very cool
Acutally it were four, but thanks anyway :)


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