Sorry Code, Kind of want to say something about Youtube myself :3
I don't really see why Youtube is being brought down as hard as it is over here. I mean, sure, you have your different type of editors and they do what they want and how they want too but your not always going to find a majority of them being: "OMG I'm so amazing for making this DBZ AMV". Honestly, its just a different website than the org with a majority of the editors with a bit of inflation in their egos, but, really, its just AMVs and they can make it however they want.
Personally, I like youtube because its more convenient for myself and, not to mention, its where I found probably one of the best AMV editors I've ever seen (Sorry guys, but if his videos make me want to watch them over and over again, then, yeah, he's amazing xD). Overall, yes, they have a different mindset than the org editors have and they do have a different style. . . But that's kinda what art is about.

Doesn't have to be perfect, it can be like what everyone else makes and its not going to make millions of dollars or make a person want to go "ZOMG, so amazing *_*", but its their own interpretation of art, or AMVs more specifically. It doesn't have to be perfect and they can do it for what we consider all the wrong reasons, but its what they want to do. If they really want to do more, then they'll probably come here, join a studio or they might just find their own path in making AMVs. The org doesn't guarantee a person will get better at making AMVs, or, more to the point, the org doesn't guarantee a person will learn how to make AMVs the way the editor envisions it. In reality, that's for the editor to find and decide on their own and we have to respect the choices any AMV editor makes, whether they choose to stay on youtube, come here or just not make AMVs at all. Again, I do see some amazing editors on youtube and, the really amazing ones, tend to hate the org. xD Which is fine because its their own way of editing and their own path to editing.
Anyway, I'm done ranting off-topic. xD What makes youtube better than the org, imo, is the fact that youtube makes a viewer want to explore all the other videos out there and not just the one that you were searching for. Whereas here, we only look for editors whom we believe to be good so we wish to watch only their videos and ignore many of the other videos.

I think a new feature may need to be implemented that might allow videos posted by other users to be a bit more viewer friendly. But, again, my two cents.