TROAL wrote:Yerah I agree, don't make a video with an anime you know nothing about. I think I qualified that in my orginal statement.
I think you may have misunderstood what I was saying. I meant that people (people I know at least) are far more likely to DOWNLOAD videos using an anime that they're familiar with.
I didn't want to get into this earlier since the topic of the post seemed to be more aimed at those who were making vids mainly to be noticed, but it seems to have become a list of general pointers now. Anyway, in my opinion, the MOST IMPORTANT rule for deciding whether or not to do an amv is "If you have an idea, do it." Even if it's been done a thousand times, if you want to do it, don't let other people stop you. If anything it'll be good practice for any later videos you do. Now, TROAL is right in that another Chop Suey/Eva vid, for example, won't be met with the greatest amount of enthusiasm, but who cares if you had fun making it? I find a lot of people lose sight of this when making videos (or when giving advice) and go way out of the way to be "original", but you should remember, this is a hobby, and more importantly, YOUR hobby. Don't let others tell you what you can and can't do.TROAL wrote:If you think you have something fresh do do with a heavily used series, then go for it. But watch the vids others have done first, so that you can be sure you're not beating a dead horse...New vids with these series can be original and fun, but since there are so many out there already, the list of good ones is growing thin.