Notable people in the AMV community as Convention Guests?

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Re: Notable people in the AMV community as Convention Guests

Post by Pwolf » Tue Mar 25, 2014 8:58 pm

Maxite wrote:@JudgeHolden: I've never been to AnimeDetour (though I have heard of it). I wasn't aware that Phade (who is owner) was a regular Guest there.
Fixed :P

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Re: Notable people in the AMV community as Convention Guests

Post by TritioAFB » Tue Mar 25, 2014 10:32 pm

If it were a convention, AMV-oriented, then the guests will be relevant. We can't expect to compete against cosplayers or the people that dubs anime for example.

Let's say that we as the org, decided to organize a new convention located in a certain city. All people around the area that is familiar with AMVs might be interested to see what's about. While to be honest I wouldnt expect several asistants compared to standard conventions, it will be a great beginning to start a tradition, so that in future conventions they can start to compete with a normal one. But this is a dream...

In standard conventions I have noticed these AMV-Rooms and Panels, I guess the last one counts for a chance to show an AMV guest
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