It was more of a clarification of your definition than a serious contender. The problem with listing effects is that you're bound to miss one. For example, fade to black transitions are probably just fine, are they not?Rider4Z wrote:I understand your theory, but there are waaaaaayyyy too many transition masks for me to forgive Safety Dance specifically. Masking is a special effect in my opinion.dragontamer5788 wrote:If its okay with you, I'd say that definition makes "Safety Dance" a "Special FX-Free Video".
Maybe I should restrict my definition to strictly pans, zooms, blurs, and dissolve transitions...? Can we all agree these arespecialeffects?
So the list of FX that could be used for this feel seem to be the "Classy Hollywood" effects. The stuff Alfred Hitchcock uses... or the ones found in Titanic. Cut, Pan, Zoom, fade, dissolve, etc. etc. If you can see it being used in a major movie as a stock transition, then it doesn't count as a "special FX". There would be leeway of course, otherwise "She's Just Oblivious" (which has a single instance of an extended chroma-key scene) would have to be thrown out. So maybe something like a 75% supermajority of the video has to be FX-free... just to throw an arbitrary number out there.
I'm sure this definition is still vague, but it seems to be more along the lines of what you're looking for.