Hidden gems

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Re: Hidden gems

Post by seasons » Tue Sep 23, 2014 5:56 pm

I'll put up one more, which I was more eager to post originally but don't really know if this is most people's cup of tea or not.

I love The Girl Who Leapt Through Time and I think this AMV captures a certain feeling in it that no one else is really latching onto. It's hard to explain but I guess most things are when you come into them with all kinds of prior emotions and associations. I've always loved this song but that's not why I'm recommending this; some of my favorite songs have soundtracked some of the worst AMVs I've ever watched! Anyway, this is a very simple video (pretty much effects-free, depending on yr definition of "effects"). I just love the general vibe of it and, more specifically, the pacing of it and think it's a nice example of how to utilize longer clips and quick cuts in the same video. I've tried to reach out to the editor but this seems to be yet another case of someone who edited one AMV a long time ago and then moved on to other things.

I started a channel for some of my favorite AMVs that weren't already on Youtube/AMVs that seem to have been abandoned by their creators, so you can go ahead and watch it there (along with "Shinji's Odyssey," which I'd forgotten that I'd already mentioned in the "Best FX Free Videos" thread too, oops). Problem is, I lost my password and login information for it so unfortunately it's already a dead channel!

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Re: Hidden gems

Post by GloryQuestor » Tue Sep 23, 2014 10:17 pm

This is one of my favorite Magnetic Rose videos, blending the creepy atmosphere with some pulse-pounding action scene work:

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Re: Hidden gems

Post by MatthewRoy » Wed Sep 24, 2014 2:47 am

I'd like this video a lot more if it wasn't for the corniness of the song. The storytelling was really good, definitely not your run-of-the-mill Eva video, but that song...shudder.
Can't argue with that.
sometimes I think about what would be my opinion on some lyrics if english was my first language.. some songs that I enjoy would be so cheesy in italian
overall I like the whole message behind the video, I surely did as a kid at least

I'd like to add this one. I love the source, I really like the song.. the video, it makes me nervous and I like it

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Re: Hidden gems

Post by CrackTheSky » Thu Sep 25, 2014 2:04 pm

macchinainterna wrote:
Everyone knows JudgeHolden for his upbeat, often times fanservice-y amvs. Way back in the day though, he would also make some very out-of-the-ordinary drama videos that touched on some intense themes. My favorite out of his drama videos was A City Divided. While yes, it got considerably favorable reception and won awards at a couple of cons, it was nowhere to be found during the 2007 VCAs.

I love this video and how it focused on multiple perspectives of a city in anarchy; from the police enforcing law, to the rebels fighting against it, to the civilians caught in the middle of the fight. Judge used his various video sources meticulously to create a pensive and fitting mood and to convey such a powerful message. When I was starting out with my own editing this was the video that showed me what a drama video could really be.
This was a good video, although my experience was tainted somewhat, having just seen qwaqa's ChillOut earlier this week for the first time, which uses the same song. Completely different videos, but I can't help but compare videos that use the same song.

In any case, I liked the video and I do tend to love videos with this subject matter. If people made AMVs in the late 60s/early 70s, I could see this coming out then.
M'o'l wrote: Vid kinda matching what the orgnal vid to song did, i enjoyed. He has one more cool vid but seems like file got corrupted somehow, wonder if i have it somewhere.
Didn't care too much for this one. It was really messy and I couldn't tell what was going on. I also didn't like the overabundance of still frames throughout the video.
M'o'l wrote:
This vid introduced me to this editor (Got it suggested from Luggeriano via forum)
Mayybe its not perfect but surely it left a very good impression on me back in the day, today it looks fine too i guess.
This was interesting. It actually felt like a more modern version of A City Divided, which macchinainterna posted. I enjoyed it, but I wish the effects actually had some connection with the theme, it felt like a lot of them were just there because the editor thought they would look cool.
M'o'l wrote:
Mhm not as good as previous one imo, but nice litttle story , too bad he retired D:
This was a good video and I never, never want to watch it again. What a creepy, disturbing video. Made me sick to my stomach.

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Re: Hidden gems

Post by dreamawake » Thu Sep 25, 2014 8:30 pm



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