I know back in the day putting things like AMV and Creator Name and stuff at the beginning of file names made it easy to search and find such videos on file sharing utilities. I used to search AMV and certain other creators and then sorting by filename the [] came up first usually.
Now, at least for me, it's all about keeping uniformity in my naming structure.
This filename I used back in fileshare days, and I keep it this way for posterity really. Basic structure, and it matches most of what I saw around fileshare programs, is AMV - Anime - Artist/Song - Video Title
AMV - Shingetsutan Tsukihime - BGC2040 - A Mood in Bossa.ext
This is my current naming scheme, and it does look a lot like fansubs actually. I essentially chose it because it gets all the pertinent info (IMHO) across about a video, and it makes it easy to search and find videos based on what I usually remember about a video. Basic structure is [studio] creator - Title [format].ext
a question [about titles]
- ngsilver
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Re: a question [about titles]
Also, and I think this was my original reason for starting this thread that I somehow forgot about in the middle of posting...
Do Youtube tags actually do anything?
During the upload process, I extensively tag my videos with the title of the series, both in English and Japanese, the name of the artist of the song, the name of the song, the genre of music, words and phrases like "anime," "AMV," "anime music video," etc.
None of these really seem to matter when I then try to search for my AMV. Not only are there always several results listed ahead of mine (even though I typed in the exact title of my video), but often they're completely irrelevant and have nothing to do with what I'm looking for. I even search using those exact tags, which come out looking like this:
"title of amv" "anime title" "musical artist" "my username"
and maybe if I'm lucky, my AMV will end up somewhere on the first page of results. Mind you, none of these AMVs were made from popular series or getting buried in search results by videos with millions of views or anything like that. It probably doesn't help that I'm posting these videos using their actual titles instead of "series title AMV anime music video [HD]," which seems like the only way to get any hits, but I just can't bring myself to do that.
Do Youtube tags actually do anything?
During the upload process, I extensively tag my videos with the title of the series, both in English and Japanese, the name of the artist of the song, the name of the song, the genre of music, words and phrases like "anime," "AMV," "anime music video," etc.
None of these really seem to matter when I then try to search for my AMV. Not only are there always several results listed ahead of mine (even though I typed in the exact title of my video), but often they're completely irrelevant and have nothing to do with what I'm looking for. I even search using those exact tags, which come out looking like this:
"title of amv" "anime title" "musical artist" "my username"
and maybe if I'm lucky, my AMV will end up somewhere on the first page of results. Mind you, none of these AMVs were made from popular series or getting buried in search results by videos with millions of views or anything like that. It probably doesn't help that I'm posting these videos using their actual titles instead of "series title AMV anime music video [HD]," which seems like the only way to get any hits, but I just can't bring myself to do that.
- AceD
- Joined: Sat Dec 07, 2002 6:52 pm
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Re: a question [about titles]
Tags don't matter so much unless the video/channel is popular and can outrank other videos with similar tags. I've never used proper tags.
If all you care about is views you want your titles to be like "Tokyo Ghoul AMV - <youramvtitlehere>. An AMV title means nothing to anybody and won't be a factor unless a video becomes hugely popular. If you don't put the anime name in the title it will be extremely hard for the video to get any views, even then you still need some luck. Unless it's an exception because it goes viral to due to websites outside of youtube giving it a push. Title is more important than tags anyway.
Any channel without tens of thousands of subscribers that has any amvs over 1million views does so because they had the anime name in the title, and it got related to the opening/ending theme or random fight scene uploads of said anime. Or got related to another popular amv using the same source. Most of the time anyway.
Having the title as your amv name, and nothing else is the worst thing you can do unless you have help from bigger channels. Only big channels who don't need to relay on been linked to popular anime videos can get away with that and still get views. Just because there name is well known enough on youtube.
If all you care about is views you want your titles to be like "Tokyo Ghoul AMV - <youramvtitlehere>. An AMV title means nothing to anybody and won't be a factor unless a video becomes hugely popular. If you don't put the anime name in the title it will be extremely hard for the video to get any views, even then you still need some luck. Unless it's an exception because it goes viral to due to websites outside of youtube giving it a push. Title is more important than tags anyway.
Any channel without tens of thousands of subscribers that has any amvs over 1million views does so because they had the anime name in the title, and it got related to the opening/ending theme or random fight scene uploads of said anime. Or got related to another popular amv using the same source. Most of the time anyway.
Having the title as your amv name, and nothing else is the worst thing you can do unless you have help from bigger channels. Only big channels who don't need to relay on been linked to popular anime videos can get away with that and still get views. Just because there name is well known enough on youtube.
- Joined: Sun Apr 12, 2015 2:17 pm
Re: a question [about titles]
(`・ω・´)You can eassly find the AMV on youtube. If every one put [AMV] on the title.