first amv discussions

General discussion of Anime Music Videos
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Pie Row Maniac
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Post by Pie Row Maniac » Fri Dec 31, 2004 6:03 pm

The first one I ever made isn't even in my possession anymore. I got drama-fied with my bad editing back then and deleted all my old old videos, something I obviously wish I hadn't done. This was many months before I even knew of the ORG's existence. The video was Trigun to Danger Zone, and it stank so very badly. :P
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Post by MikaelJuha » Sat Jan 01, 2005 1:45 am

my first vid: ... hp?v=49502

took forever makin it, its okay, i'd give it a solid 3 out of 5, but as a first, it really shows i spent a good deal of time in it ~_^ :wink:

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Post by genestarwind21122 » Sat Jan 01, 2005 1:55 am

I have learned a ton of things since my first amv. This one is technically my second amv, but my first ever using MGI Video Wave 4. My first one The Ultamite Sacrifice was made in WMM and was uploaded to my site for a short time but soon taken down when Shrine of the Goddess came out (my fourth amv).

Here is my second vid. Gene's Last Breath. (somebody reverse the curse) (long story). ... hp?v=13602

My latest amv Over Dramatic Uber Sentimental Outlaw Star Music Video (First amv made in Adobe) (yes it took me 2 years to start editing in Adobe, but don't be fooled by my other amv's because they weren't) ... hp?v=48817

Gene Starwind 21122

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Post by Cyanna » Sat Jan 01, 2005 2:37 am

My first video, Keitaro's Fantasy isn't available and it never will be since I lost it in a comp crash.

Basically the whole thing was experimental and it taught me how to use the program. Choosing clips with lyric synch in mind, cheesy and unneccessary transitions plus the use of the only 4 episodes on Love Hina I had....better that it just be talked about and not seen. :P

"Us Against the World" was my second attempt at edit and my first video on the org. Even though I don't have both videos up for comparison, I know I had improved a lot. I had better resources, a plan I was excited about, enough episodes to pull it off to my liking and since I was familiar with the program, I didn't feel the need to see what every transition and special effect looked like.....thought I did have quite a time toying with speeds.


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