The Attitudes Of AMV Creators...

General discussion of Anime Music Videos
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Post by FirestormXIII » Wed Oct 09, 2002 11:46 pm

I think Koop hit it right on the head when he said 'This thread is going to leave a lot of dead bodies behind.'

But I agree with what SpPanda said, and I myself have been guilty of at least one thing he mentioned: flaming newbies who come and ask for help. I don't do it all the time, in fact recently I've been in the practice of trying to be as helpful as possible to people that ask for help. It's sad that a lot of people forget that at one point they were newbies in this too, regardless of whether or not .org actually existed when they started.

I'm pretty sure everyone needed some kind of help when they started, and though many of us read the guides, understood them, and simply worked through a lot of our smaller problems with Premiere and those types of tools, not everyone understands as readily, or even knows where to start with something like Premiere.

A lot of people say newbies are simply 'too lazy' or 'want to be lead through every step'. And admittedly, there are those newbies that are like that, but most are not. How are they to know that people have asked the same questions they've asked 1,000,000*10^100 times? It's not their aim to annoy the crap out of us, though that is often the end result. I think we take out whatever frustrations we might be having during the day/night/whatever on newbies far too easily.

I must say I haven't noticed the newbie flaming nearly as much on the new forum though (probably because the flame-worthy 'wrong forum' posts are moved by the Mods. Thank you Mods, you do good work :wink: )
Everyone is not the same as you.
Get over it.
And lighten up.

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Post by BogoSort » Wed Oct 09, 2002 11:57 pm

It's not that any "elite" editors on here were telling TommyRude to goto hell. They were informing him that what he was doing was disrespectful to what they were trying to do with the DDR project. They announced their intent to go through each of the DDR mixes, and they are all in the works. TommyRude clearly knew this, but yet, instead of offering to help with the mix that was further down the pipe, he just decided to call it his own project, and end up with 2 competing DDR mixes. Personally I think that this is a grievous insult to the people who spent lots of time and effort on the DDR project. It has nothing to do with the fact that they are part of your so called "elite" editors. We've got this thing called a Social Contract, that says that there's a certain amount of respect that you should give to anyone until they do something to lose that respect. TommyRude obviously didn't extend this respect to the people who worked on the DDR project by trying to startup a competing project.

The defense of TommyRude's attempt to create a competing DDR project is laughable. You deny their ability justify asking TommyRude to work on a non-competing project since they have a lot of manpower put into it already by saying that none of their work is original. If it wasn't original, then why is it such a great hit? Why wasn't this made many years ago, when 3rd mix first came out? That's because someone had to come up with the idea before it could be done. I doubt they would have any problem if Tommy decided to just take 3rd mix and make an entire music video to it by himself, or with a couple of his friends. But they had many troubles in getting videos on time for the project, and didn't want to see people split about which project to join. This sort of competition is exactly what you're saying is bad, and yet you argue for TommyRude to feel free to draw editors to work on his project which is basically indentical in idea, content, and scope?

If he wanted to help the DDR project by doing one of their mixes, he could talk to the people that worked on it, and volunteer to help. I assume that he didn't extend them that courtesy, and set out soley to compete against them. There are plenty of potential projects that are similar in concept to the DDR project that wouldn't be directly competing with it, but would rather be competing for people on the basis of which idea do they like better. Think of already established projects like the AniPara project, or the NES mix. Or I can even come up with a bunch of potential ideas, like do an entire musical like Les Mis, or maybe take a piece of powerful classical music like Carmina Burama.

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Post by RadicalEd0 » Wed Oct 09, 2002 11:58 pm

I must say I haven't noticed the newbie flaming nearly as much on the new forum though
ya i gotta admit there isnt all that much of this really, you should go to doom9 :shock: ask something thats already been asked and u get "use teh search button, srike"

You'd think I'd be all.. newbs need to figure it out for themselves, because much of what I leared about video back a year ago when I was just starting I learned myself by testing and retesting until I got it right, no forums, no help. But instead I figure since I have that knowledge not sharing it would be a waste and while people would still benefit more from doing their own testing and work, theres no need for them to make all the same errors befire getting a good result.
So basically, noobs are better off learning through trial and error, but theres no harm in sharing your experiences with them. And no need to discourage them with flames unless they've done something flameworthy.

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Post by kilik^ » Wed Oct 09, 2002 11:59 pm

the best post i have read on this forum! :D im sure that a lot of people feel the same way that u do SpPANDA , but u where the one that said out loud.

If people here want this community to grow , somethings need to be changed

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Post by RadicalEd0 » Thu Oct 10, 2002 12:00 am

ehh... *strike
if you get 3 you're suspended from posting

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Post by FurryCurry » Thu Oct 10, 2002 12:02 am

SpPanda: Great post. now I pick nits.
I've seen and heard stories of AMV Creators bitch and whine to get their way at conventions because they think they're special. but you know what? you shouldn't be getting any special priveleges. I don't care who you are.
Um, I think (submitting) creators ought to at least get preferred seating at the contest, ne?
more than that is bullshit, unless its someone who has been invited as a guest for a panel, or somesuch. Then it should be admission, period.

Tommyrude vs. ErMaC:

You mean other people besides Tommy loathe ermac? I guess I haven't been here long enough to see much of that.
Anyone here who has read & used ermac's guide to using DVD footage better not have much bad to say about the guy, unless they have a better alternative to offer.
Tommy makes decent vids, from the one I've seen. (eva/linkin park)
I'll dis him a tiny bit on his overly dramatic posting style though.
No bads on the idea he had for the DDR thing, but damn, talk about taking it all too personally...
I umm.. don't like ErMaC's vids all that much personally, but I see the production quality plain as day... its just a personal taste issue...

Really, noone can just proclaim themselves elite. This is a community, with the only whiff of dictatorship coming from Phade, as it should.

The rest of us can agree or call bullshit as needed.

PS: Spamda: your vids dont suck. ...cause I said so, that's why.

OK, bring the flames. :x
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Post by Castor Troy » Thu Oct 10, 2002 12:02 am

"You're ignoring everything, except what you want to hear.." - jbone

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Post by SpPANDA » Thu Oct 10, 2002 12:04 am

BogoSort wrote:blah blah blah.... blah...
i read that thread... and i've got to talk to tom personally.
he wanted to originally help out by making the 5th remix. before the others were done with theirs. but the other creators claimed rights ont eh 5th mix amv that wasn't done. wasn't started...

for future refrence.... "BogoSort".... 'you can't work on your next AMV... because... it's alreayd in my head.. and i'm using the same song and i'm going to make it better.... and i'd like to see you make a better video than mine. because you wont. and i hope you fail. and i'll laugh my powdery ass off when you do'.

...'powdery ass'?

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Post by SpPANDA » Thu Oct 10, 2002 12:06 am

FurryCurry wrote:Um, I think (submitting) creators ought to at least get preferred seating at the contest, ne?
more than that is bullshit, unless its someone who has been invited as a guest for a panel, or somesuch. Then it should be admission, period.
seating is one thing... flat out making demands is another.

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Post by SpPANDA » Thu Oct 10, 2002 12:07 am

i wont only love you... but....

[dances a jig]


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