by Jasta85 » Fri Mar 02, 2007 3:05 pm
Look at any type of entertainment these days period, take movies/TV shows for example.
Many movies fall under these general storylines:
Action--Good guy(s) needs to beat bad guy(s), they fight, good guy wins, usually saving some hot and scantily clad babe in the process.
Action part 2--Lots of explosions, bullet time and martial arts fighting with brief moments of sex in between.
Romance--Man and women, both of which have lives with problems, run into each other somehow, fall in love during a complicated process and live happily ever after.
Adventure--Hero needs to find someone/something important, runs into many obsticles along the way (possibly including lots of bad guys) and finds it in the end.
Comedy--These days comedy is usually portrayed by lots of sex, beer, and plain stupidity or jokes centered around these themes. Occasionally something actually witty will appear once in a blue moon.
now of course their are exceptions (take the departed for example in which everyone dies) but if you look at the basic storylines for movies there pretty much just a dozen templates that directors take, throw their own twist on, and make a movie. Originality isnt a part of modern day entertainment, just the same packages with brand new wrappers on them.
Therefore AMV's may not be completely better than these but they are certainly no worse.