Time for a dumb video rant! Bring the flames!

General discussion of Anime Music Videos
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Post by OmniStrata » Wed Aug 13, 2003 8:43 am

I'm behind AD on this one all the way. Not just because he created the guides and saved my ass from newbie hell mind you... *cough

100+ replies?

It's not impossible to make a good video EVEN WITH DIGISUBS... [me coughs up a lung]

There can't be "elitism" if there exists "honest criticism". But once the good editors start writing "your vids sux0rs b0x0rs cause you don't read guides". [only thing you see on the whole damn opinion. THEN WE HAVE eliteism.] For the record, I've seen some of the BIG NAME editors [repeated con winners, etc.] write opinions and believe me, they are FAR from the realm of arrogant 3 sentence bastards that a lot of you people make them out to be.

SarahtheBoring beats herself over the head too much. Is that "newbism"? [honestly though, her vids aren't NEARLY as bad as she makes them out to be. I opped one see for yourself!]

I'm going to stand by the fact that I make do with what I have and it freakin' works damnit. I started out as a new anime style digisub editor and probably will continue to do so. Currently though, I'm using DVD rips on a few things here and there and if I can use digisubs to make decent vids, what's to stop you?!

[don't give me no shit about subtitles either, I can edit around those things like nothing now]

I just wish people would just accept the fact that:

a: everyone USUALLY sux at first [my first 4 vids? whoa, I'm a laughing stock baby ^_^]
b: opinions are for helping, not for numbers [and that's the damn truth]
c: some newbs are naturally born skilled mofos [and I'm very jealous of them]

So, as far as this thread is concerned:

elitism: false illusion here at the org
newbism: You're not good so shut up. However, you WILL get better with help. [not 3 sentence hater ops from morons... :evil: ] God I hate those...
AbsoluteDestiny wrote:people also need to learn that elitism isnt judging peoples videos as crap - that's criticism. Elitism is judging someone else as being a crap creator who could never make anything good.
ICQ msg from AD. God Bless You buddy...
"Strength lies in action. Let the weak react to me..." - Kamahl, Pit Fighter from Magic: the Gathering
"That is a mistake many of my enemies make. They think before they act. I act before I think!" - Vortigern from Merlin ('98)
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Post by Machine » Wed Aug 13, 2003 8:56 am

Castor Troy wrote:When did editing japanese cartoons to music turn into such a pity party? :?
When eveeryone hoped on the bandwagon and thought that being editors would make them "Cool"

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Post by Kusoyaro » Wed Aug 13, 2003 8:57 am

SarahtheBoring wrote:Yeah, basically the answer is to stop distroing and possibly stop listing my stuff on the database. Which I will do, and I will stop whining about pressure.
What pressure are you talking about? Look at my damn profile...I have like 50 videos listed there, and at least half of them are pure crap. And yes, most of the crap videos I made were made before the ones that you might see listed in the Top 10%. Even AFTER I made some popular videos, I've made a lot of videos no one cares about. Even back when EVERY video I made was crap and people were laughing at me, I didn't feel any "pressure." Seems to me that people need to stop imagining all these invisible barriers and men in black coats judging their every move, and just make their damn videos.
I have no idea how to use this new forum.

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Post by Machine » Wed Aug 13, 2003 9:08 am

Kusoyaro wrote:
SarahtheBoring wrote:Yeah, basically the answer is to stop distroing and possibly stop listing my stuff on the database. Which I will do, and I will stop whining about pressure.
What pressure are you talking about? Look at my damn profile...I have like 50 videos listed there, and at least half of them are pure crap.
Feelings with the OffSpring is by far the Best Video you have ever made :D

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Post by Nemoxs » Wed Aug 13, 2003 9:10 am

Offspring... Shudders that gives me bad memories of Mtv, britney spears, and for some odd reason... barney.

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Kai Stromler
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Post by Kai Stromler » Wed Aug 13, 2003 9:13 am

Elitism is thinking you're immune to Sturgeon's Law.

The fact that 90% of everything is crud should not prevent people from realizing their ideas. If you like the final product, it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks. If not, it was a learning experience, and now you'll know what not to do the next time out.

Shin Hatsubai is a Premiere-free studio. Insomni-Ack is habitually worthless.
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Post by Nemoxs » Wed Aug 13, 2003 9:15 am

Kai Stromler wrote:Elitism is thinking you're immune to Sturgeon's Law.

The fact that 90% of everything is crud should not prevent people from realizing their ideas. If you like the final product, it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks. If not, it was a learning experience, and now you'll know what not to do the next time out.


To me it kinda does matter, cause I'll be moving on but people will hopefully be downloading a video I make for months (weeks, days, whatever) and it's important to me what they think. that just me :D

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Re: d

Post by fyrtenheimer » Wed Aug 13, 2003 9:35 am

Nemoxs wrote:

Ladies and gentle men, if you will look to the right you will see the elusive "Bitch'o'soures".

You're a moron, don't even talk, I swear to god, I said and I quote.

"And maybe one day. Become really good so people like my videos and get a smile when they watch them."

If thats not your goal, then get the fuck outta here.

No I correct myself cause I also said that people have diffrent reasons for making videos, maybe it just makes you happy to do something where you're sitting infront of a computer for hours, I personaly don't know and I personaly don't care,
No, I don't make a video to benefit someone else, more like myself. If that's your only goal, it makes everything conflicting.
"Oh, I really need to make something everyone's going to enjoy or there's no point in being here." I don't think so. Of course it's great you want everyone to like your video, what's wrong with that? But you shouldn't rely on only that one thought when making a video. You're trying to sit here and argue with me on something we almost agree upon. Just stop it.
but you can't go around treating people like shit just because they dont share your "enlightined" point of view
Really? Then maybe you should stop while you're ahead. I didn't put any input into this thread to sit here and argue with you. MY POINT was the way AD adressed it. And if you paid ANY attention, you would have known that and we wouldn't have to sit here and quote each other because you want to pick a stupid fight.

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Post by OmniStrata » Wed Aug 13, 2003 10:02 am


"Strength lies in action. Let the weak react to me..." - Kamahl, Pit Fighter from Magic: the Gathering
"That is a mistake many of my enemies make. They think before they act. I act before I think!" - Vortigern from Merlin ('98)
"I AM REBORN!" - Dark Schneider Bastard!! OAV

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Re: d

Post by AbsoluteDestiny » Wed Aug 13, 2003 11:08 am

fyrtenheimer wrote: MY POINT was the way AD adressed it.
and you are completely justfied in pointing that out. There are subtler ways of doing the same thing - I wont make excuses but I do apologise. Hindsight is 20-20, the road to hell is paved with good intentions and you should always read what you write incase you forget to qualify the things you say.


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