-Here's my view on that, THAT'S WHAT THE VIDEO'S FOR!! I'm here to perfect my work not to show other ppl what I want them to see. I don't mind if I get bad reviews, as long as they have a valid point, I WANT to know what they saw, what THEY think of my video.Clip wrote: -if you want people to watch your vid, spend 2 minutes and write a discription.
-stealing footage from other vids
-vids that are compressed so much that it is imposible to watch. (a 4 min vid that is less than 2MB)
-Random vids that look like someone just look a bunch of unrelated shots and threw them together in 10 min.
-People being proud of spending 5 hours making a vid. If I added up all the time I waited for various versions my vid to render, it would be more than 5 hours.
-Subtitles are just like sound effects if used right... but it is true that subs used wrong are VERY annoying. Especially with fades and transitions -uhk..
-I have an 80s vid I put at a very low bitrate... but see, it doesn't matter ;p it's an 80s vid, it looks bad either way, trust me -_- also not everybody has broadband, there ARE ppl in third world countrys and the ghettos that frequent this site
-gotta agree, 5 hours is short no matter how you look at it lol.