I am not going to repost everything I have said, but you really have missed the point totally... that or you are ignoring what I have typed and taking a very simplistic negative approach with this post. I never said a lot of what you have fabricated in your post. It is like you are trying to make it look as if I said these things which I didn't and I don't appreciate this at all.Zarxrax wrote:Joe, let's sit back for a second here and take a look at the situation. I just went back and read your original post again. Basically you say that this community is quite pointless merely because people write pointless reviews that are merely pointless praise. Now on account of this, you don't think you want to be a part of the site.
Do I have this correct?
Now let's take a further step back. What is the purpose of this site? For people to get in-depth reviews? Hell no! The whole point of the site is to help create a database of every AMV known to man. Now are you saying that you, one of the most influential people in the AMV community, would totally screw Phade's site over by refusing to add in your videos, simply because people don't write detailed enough reviews for you??? Come on now! If you don't like the reviews your getting, no one is making you read them! Rather than getting all huffy and leaving, wouldn't it be more mature to simply ignore all your reviews, but still input your info for the good of the database?
I never said the community was pointless... I NEVER talked about not liking the reviews I have gotten or demanding detailed reviews to which I question if you can read or just make stuff up as you go. I was talking about worship perfect 10 reviews and how they devalue the current system and maybe a way of recommending a video thus giving it praise this way would be better. Is this so wrong trying to talk about an alternative method for people who just want to give a video praise vs leaving a so-called perfect 10 review with nothing but "great video"? I honestly don't have problems with the reviews I get. I enjoy the review process and wish it was more robust so you could ask questions of the reviewer vs hope they will re-review their comments on your video. So your comments about ignoring my reviews where did you come up with this crap since I never said I had a problem with them? I never said I was leaving either... only that I have considered it and it was due to personal reasons just as much if not more.
I am very disappointed with your post seeing how you make wild assumptions which are mostly negative taking personal shots at me while telling me to be mature. Maybe you missed what I was going after which I have tried to make clear in my following posts. I assume you only looked at my original post and made all of your conclusions from that one post... I don't see how you could have made this post otherwise.