The Attitudes Of AMV Creators...

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Post by MCWagner » Sat Oct 19, 2002 9:04 pm

and pointing fingers WOULDN'T make things worse?
Erm... I think I answered that in the previous post.

Hell, pointing fingers is what the mods are doing. "Hey you! Over there! Cut it out!"
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Post by Dannywilson » Sun Oct 20, 2002 2:19 am

"Dammit! Don't make me pull this car over!"

Jeez kids... Wow, you have managed to ressurect a post that should have died with the closing of the forums for the trial period.

I personally met most of the "Big Name" (In this little world of our own construction) AMV makers at AWA, even if they don't remember me (I was the eternal drunk following the RVP Crew around), and all in all, they came off as at least well mannered individuals, if not great people. I mean I got to hear EK (BBT) ramble about trying to give directions on hallucinogens, watch Hsien (Kusoyaro) feeling nauseous, Tim Park (DokiDoki) being.... well the generally chilled out dude he is, watch ErMac kick ass at DDR, and even JBone was fun to meet in person. Until you meet the said "Unamed People" you have these beefs with in person, I suggest you keep your soapbox ranting to a minimum. That way, you don't start massive threads that end up as long as spam-threads but leaving a dirty feeling in your mouth...
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Post by gambitt » Sun Oct 20, 2002 2:31 am

Ooh I like this topic... must post...

I'm not a "famed" AMV creator. Hell, the only reason why most of you know me is because Nightowl has me under his wing most of the time. I'm a gigantic wannabe Gainax fanboy and a fanboy to great AMV creators. My attitude has extremely changed since... well, Otakon, truthfully. Being in the presence of such great AMV creators like Hsien, Vlad, Will Mill, Dokidoki... I was hugely introverted. I left the Corbo Bash after, like, an hour! What the hell was wrong with me!?

Anyway, I totally had the elitest impression at that con and it really ruined a lot of what coulda been a hell of a lot of fun. Don't get me wrong, if you read my con journal, I loved the con, but it could have been better.

At AWA I was really over that. I had sorta "left" the .org, stopped checking my video's placement in the top 10%, basically starting seeing things in perspective. I was finally acting like a human being at this con. Good thing, too, because that's what made that con so much of a wonderful AMV-oriented experience for me. I wasn't worrying about how I was acting and I just went with the flow. It made things so much easier to handle.

I've always been rather arrogant, I apologize in advance, but it surprises me when I get IMs and emails from these people who I used to worship asking me about After Effects techniques and design. Remember, I've barely done anything AMV-wise, so call me what you want, I consider myself a lucky fanboy. I'm still ALWAYS open for questions concerning AE (helping someone currently with the Shatter effect, the same one used in TriEngel), and lessons on aesthetic, graphic design, anything. I'll be a bigger help when my dorm gets the T3 hooked up (any time now...).

So, that's my attitude. I love to help, I view my own projects VERY highly, and I am a HUGE believer in making effects appear nonexistant, or relevant.

Apologies for interrupting the current multi-post subtopic, but I just wanted to get this off my chest. Oh, and flash my new avatar. That pic was taken in Jersey with a Coolpix 990.
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Post by Alucard_FoN » Sun Oct 20, 2002 11:03 pm

Yes, I myself know an AMV creator. I'm not naming names. But he can be a real ass, especially over the internet. I know him IRL too, and he's not so bad, but online... he can't seem to help but think he's better than everyone, and as a result, he makes quite a lot of people mad.

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Post by Ashton » Mon Oct 21, 2002 4:33 am

I'm not touching this one with a thirty foot pole...

except to say that [heheh] I liked Panda's original idea, I don't know anything about the way this has all become so focused, or where I stand on any of this... except that I like Panda's post, for what that's worth.
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Post by Nightowl » Mon Oct 21, 2002 6:37 am

I, on behalf of the Anime Music Video community, would like to apologize for the fact that I am an elitist asshole. I am a jerk, snob, dick, mean-spirited, philandering prick of a human being - and I injected that bitter, cynical, angry, pretentious vibe unto you all. It is only because I AM the DIRECTOR.

Sorry about that, won't happen again. For a little while. I think.

Wow... I've made it this far through the thread without popping my head up... why did I say anything just now? Why else? I'm proud of myself! I think I'll go make myself a cake. YEAH FOR ME!

Mayhaps I'll actually say something worthwhile in this little conversation at some point, now that the thread seems to have died quite a bit... but not now... and honestly, I still don't understand the point. I mean, I complain about the AMV community more than anyone, but... people are people. Some are assholes and some aren't. That's just the way things happen. I don't think it's that AMV creators are assholes, it's more that most people are assholes. Especially in large communities. Granted, the majority of people I've met who are AMV creators are friends, allies, and generally nice people. I like them. They are good. Good to all who give them alcohol. And compliments. Compliments are very important.

See, as far as I can tell, the internet harbors assholes like France harbors criminals. Sorry French people, you know I love you all as well. So who are these assholes? I mean, I'd even like to know. Sure, my paranoid delusions got in the way at one point and I thought "...what if I'M the asshole??" But then I remembered I never say anything memorable on the forum anyway. And I'm not elite. I don't think I'm famed either. And I've gotten shit for almost every video I made, so I can't have fans, so I can't be popular, so I can't be elite, so no one cares. Is anyone even reading this far? I don't know. Do you? If you make your post go on and on for thirty paragraphs only you never say a damn thing, does that make it special? Does anyone still care? What am I talking about? You never know when someone is insane or deliberate.


To sum up rambling, I hate technology. I hate this thread. THE END!


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Post by Lyrs » Mon Oct 21, 2002 8:09 am

Nightowl wrote:I, on behalf of the Anime Music Video community, would like to apologize for the fact that I am an elitist asshole. I am a jerk, snob, dick, mean-spirited, philandering prick of a human being - and I injected that bitter, cynical, angry, pretentious vibe unto you all. It is only because I AM the DIRECTOR.
I am Lyrs, almighty amateur video creator of death! Okay, now that I'm done. Let's just say that Silver Moon is the best video creator ever 'cause she rocks!

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Post by Rozard » Mon Oct 21, 2002 2:57 pm

I am Me!
I am a Nobody!
I love everyone!
People are cool!
All you need is love!
Group hug!
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Post by FurryCurry » Tue Oct 22, 2002 2:22 am

Rozard wrote:I am Me!
I am a Nobody!
I love everyone!
People are cool!
All you need is love!
Group hug!
/me gives Roz4rd a big sloppy kiss, then runs away. :D
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Post by Rozard » Tue Oct 22, 2002 10:53 pm

Image I lub u
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BishounenStalker The freedom to suck is what makes the Internet rock.


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