by gambitt » Sun Oct 20, 2002 2:31 am
Ooh I like this topic... must post...
I'm not a "famed" AMV creator. Hell, the only reason why most of you know me is because Nightowl has me under his wing most of the time. I'm a gigantic wannabe Gainax fanboy and a fanboy to great AMV creators. My attitude has extremely changed since... well, Otakon, truthfully. Being in the presence of such great AMV creators like Hsien, Vlad, Will Mill, Dokidoki... I was hugely introverted. I left the Corbo Bash after, like, an hour! What the hell was wrong with me!?
Anyway, I totally had the elitest impression at that con and it really ruined a lot of what coulda been a hell of a lot of fun. Don't get me wrong, if you read my con journal, I loved the con, but it could have been better.
At AWA I was really over that. I had sorta "left" the .org, stopped checking my video's placement in the top 10%, basically starting seeing things in perspective. I was finally acting like a human being at this con. Good thing, too, because that's what made that con so much of a wonderful AMV-oriented experience for me. I wasn't worrying about how I was acting and I just went with the flow. It made things so much easier to handle.
I've always been rather arrogant, I apologize in advance, but it surprises me when I get IMs and emails from these people who I used to worship asking me about After Effects techniques and design. Remember, I've barely done anything AMV-wise, so call me what you want, I consider myself a lucky fanboy. I'm still ALWAYS open for questions concerning AE (helping someone currently with the Shatter effect, the same one used in TriEngel), and lessons on aesthetic, graphic design, anything. I'll be a bigger help when my dorm gets the T3 hooked up (any time now...).
So, that's my attitude. I love to help, I view my own projects VERY highly, and I am a HUGE believer in making effects appear nonexistant, or relevant.
Apologies for interrupting the current multi-post subtopic, but I just wanted to get this off my chest. Oh, and flash my new avatar. That pic was taken in Jersey with a Coolpix 990.
Sata andagi!