What in the bloody smucks happened?

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Castor Troy
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Re: What in the bloody smucks happened?

Post by Castor Troy » Tue Jan 24, 2012 9:29 am

People got lives. :|
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Re: What in the bloody smucks happened?

Post by mexicanjunior » Tue Jan 24, 2012 10:35 am

Castor Troy wrote:People got lives. :|

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Re: What in the bloody smucks happened?

Post by Zarxrax » Tue Jan 24, 2012 1:27 pm

The thing that happened, was the internet continued to change and evolve, and this website didn't.

100 years ago, maybe kids walked 5 miles to school in the snow, uphill both ways. But today if a kid had to do that, they would just choose to skip school and smoke pot.

Back in the day, in order to see AMVs, you only had a few choices. Watch them at conventions, get access to an ftp server that had some, or get them through an amv creator's personal website (and most creators weren't able to provide their own hosting back then).

Then the org came around, and it simplified things a bit. The method of getting videos didn't really change, but it simplified the process by making 1 site where you could keep up to date on the latest video releases and such.

Then, things got even better, and the org offered free video hosting. It was now the defacto way to get videos. It was SO EASY compared to what we had been offered before. And so everyone flocked here and took advantage of it.

But now, the org is a relic. This site is outdated and its not so easy to use anymore, in comparison to the rest of the internet. This site is like having to walk 5 miles to school in the snow, uphill both ways. The old guys who have been around for a while will still say there is no problem, and the new guys are just spoiled. But in reality, the site is just becoming increasingly irrelevant in a modern internet.

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Re: What in the bloody smucks happened?

Post by Ileia » Tue Jan 24, 2012 2:11 pm

Castor Troy wrote:People got lives. :|
This is something that is mentioned every time this sort of topic comes up. It's not that everyone stopped editing. Sure, a lot of people did. But guess what? They were replaced by new editors, there is a constant stream of them! They're just not flocking here anymore. It's not AMVs that are dying, it is this specific community.
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Re: What in the bloody smucks happened?

Post by irriadin » Tue Jan 24, 2012 2:23 pm

I agree with Ileia. And it's rather evident where most of these new editors are congregating. It's hard to compete with YouTube. It's easy to use and it's everywhere.

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Re: What in the bloody smucks happened?

Post by BasharOfTheAges » Tue Jan 24, 2012 2:39 pm

And here I thought they were leaving because we can only manage to have the same 5 discussions in general. Speaking of which, you're all off script. VCA time is reserved for VCA related bitching that won't get addressed. "The org is dying" bitching is scheduled for Spring time, then again in the Fall.
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Re: What in the bloody smucks happened?

Post by JudgeHolden » Tue Jan 24, 2012 2:47 pm

Zarxrax wrote:The thing that happened, was the internet continued to change and evolve, and this website didn't.

100 years ago, maybe kids walked 5 miles to school in the snow, uphill both ways. But today if a kid had to do that, they would just choose to skip school and smoke pot.

Back in the day, in order to see AMVs, you only had a few choices. Watch them at conventions, get access to an ftp server that had some, or get them through an amv creator's personal website (and most creators weren't able to provide their own hosting back then).

Then the org came around, and it simplified things a bit. The method of getting videos didn't really change, but it simplified the process by making 1 site where you could keep up to date on the latest video releases and such.

Then, things got even better, and the org offered free video hosting. It was now the defacto way to get videos. It was SO EASY compared to what we had been offered before. And so everyone flocked here and took advantage of it.

But now, the org is a relic. This site is outdated and its not so easy to use anymore, in comparison to the rest of the internet. This site is like having to walk 5 miles to school in the snow, uphill both ways. The old guys who have been around for a while will still say there is no problem, and the new guys are just spoiled. But in reality, the site is just becoming increasingly irrelevant in a modern internet.
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Re: What in the bloody smucks happened?

Post by ZephyrStar » Tue Jan 24, 2012 3:02 pm

the internet continued to change and evolve, and this website didn't.
Sad but true, this.

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Re: What in the bloody smucks happened?

Post by Knowname » Tue Jan 24, 2012 5:01 pm

yeah but WHERE are they all going?? No offense but I'm more than eager to join up if it'll bring 04 05 back again ^.^ lol. but no, I don't understand how ANYBODY could spend so much time on Youtube!! the threads aren't even... threaded there, there's really no discussion beyond Your momma jokes and the threads really aren't threaded at all!! Maybe it's just me but I need everything in one place... not just on a million profile pages.

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Re: What in the bloody smucks happened?

Post by gotegenks » Tue Jan 24, 2012 5:18 pm

Knowname wrote:this dagnab new texty comment thingamajig is too complicated and scattery foh mah pohr old eyez. what happened ta sendin letters dat yu could keep stoh'd away in a nice drawer and come back and read when e'er ya wanted to. i swear, deez new younguns iz gittin moh spoiled as deh yearz go by...


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