Why Do You Make AMVs?
- TritioAFB
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- Scintilla
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Re: Why Do You Make AMVs?
That's usually my reason as well, finding out that such-and-such an idea I get hasn't been realized before but is too perfect not to do somehow. Sometimes it's an idea from my backlog that isn't as urgent, but there's a contest coming up and it's a lot more fun if I'm in it than if I'm not (especially Otakon, which I actually attend most years). I find that contest deadlines make great motivators.
Also because when I unexpectedly first hit it big in 2003-04, I got a taste of attention, of not being just another face in a convention crowd but people actually knowing who I was, and I wanted more. (Hell, at Otakon 2010 or so when Re-Evolution was bursting onto the scene, I actually got asked for my autograph.)
There was a time early on when I obsessed over my views and star ratings (this was before Boochsack -- I can't imagine how much worse it would have been with that level of analytics available), but thankfully I got tired of that quickly.
I'm not sure I ever cared about the community aspect of it though? I do miss when the #AMV IRC room was rocking (it still exists, but there hasn't been anyone in it in years besides me, QX, and Derobert), as those were awesome times that I haven't seen recaptured on Discord. But in general I value the Org more as a wealth of information and statistics (have you seen how many ways there are to slice the Top AMVs list?).
- SilkAMV
- Joined: Mon Apr 23, 2007 10:28 pm
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Re: Why Do You Make AMVs?
Thanks, I did disappear there for a bunch of years. I had some life to live, some growing up to do. I don't know how active I'll be going forward, but I'll always come back to this place once in a while. AMVs are too core a part of me to fully leave behind. I'll always get that spark of inspiration that can't be left alone, even when I've moved on to other things.

- TritioAFB
- Ambassador of the AMVWorld
- Joined: Fri Sep 04, 2009 12:38 am
- Status: Doctor
- Location: Honduras
Re: Why Do You Make AMVs?
Good to know. I also returned after 3 years of hiatus. Not sure how much time I'll be active
Specialist in Geriatric Medicine
- Joined: Sun Dec 19, 2010 5:45 pm
Re: Why Do You Make AMVs?
To show my appreciation for the animes I use and the songs and artists who’s music is featured in them.
I can't stand weeaboos and people who keep badmouthing dubbed anime and say it sucks.
- Sephiroth
- Joined: Tue Dec 19, 2000 10:32 pm
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Re: Why Do You Make AMVs?
Because I'm a renegade monkey.
This has no relevence to the discussion above it
- Silent Hero Studios
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Re: Why Do You Make AMVs?
I found it as a fun use of my downtime during my life + college stress.
Silent. Heroic. But never both.
- Silvercoat
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Re: Why Do You Make AMVs?
I make AMVs because I love the creativity and fun they bring to everyone who watches. I think they help keep fandoms going and provide a great entry way for some folks into various shows and sources.
I first was introduced to the world of AMVs at my first big con, AWA 2006. I was so excited after my friends showed me Iron Editor and we got to see not only the finished pieces but all of the other sources and pieces from other cons (which made me go to Otakon a few years later). I loved how it made me fall in love with Anime in a new way and opened my eyes to so many other series and genres. There is a reason my join date to these forums is the following Monday morning after the con that year.
I have been watching AMVs ever since and I always find a new series to watch from them. There have been a few over the years that have blown me away and kept my fandom going.
I finally got the courage & resources to try my hands at making one back in 2018 and submitted another in 2019 to AWA. I hope to be able to work on a few more ideas in my head but my editing skills are novice currently. Nothing to do but keep trying and hopefully bring myself to put one up in the announcement forum to get some advice.
Happy editing everyone!
I first was introduced to the world of AMVs at my first big con, AWA 2006. I was so excited after my friends showed me Iron Editor and we got to see not only the finished pieces but all of the other sources and pieces from other cons (which made me go to Otakon a few years later). I loved how it made me fall in love with Anime in a new way and opened my eyes to so many other series and genres. There is a reason my join date to these forums is the following Monday morning after the con that year.
I have been watching AMVs ever since and I always find a new series to watch from them. There have been a few over the years that have blown me away and kept my fandom going.
I finally got the courage & resources to try my hands at making one back in 2018 and submitted another in 2019 to AWA. I hope to be able to work on a few more ideas in my head but my editing skills are novice currently. Nothing to do but keep trying and hopefully bring myself to put one up in the announcement forum to get some advice.
Happy editing everyone!
- Joined: Wed Jan 05, 2005 9:10 am
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Re: Why Do You Make AMVs?
I was introduced to AMVs by a classmate during my junior year of high school. We were both into DBZ on Toonami back then and he let me borrow a burned CD full of DBZ AMVs. It even had some of Neon Genesis Evangelion! This was also in the early days of the Internet, so many creators and editors had their own websites or were part of an online forum or community. Just like A-M-V.org!
I came up with my first AMV ideas when I happened to play some music with one of the DBZ videos muted. Back then, Windows came with Movie Maker (for free!) and so I delved into splicing videos with different songs. My very first vids were of DBZ put to Metallica or Rammstein. Years after I graduated, I would join A-M-V.org in 2005, by which time I possessed an amateur anime collection and spent two years learning how to rip DVDs and edit video.
I made AMVs because I love anime and music, because I want to share how good the song/band and anime are, because making AMVs is a good stress relief, and because making AMVs continuously helps me how to tinker with editing videos.
I honestly cannot concur more with lloyd9988's sentiment about this hobby being a great opportunity for editors/creators to connect. That's why I'm still here at the Org, and I'm glad you all are as well! I used to actually chat with individuals, had a handful of fellow editors I kept up with. When my own site registrar lapsed in early 2008, I made one final video prior to my 4-year-old Dell PC crashing for good.
Since returning to making AMVs in 2020, I too have noticed similar trends on YouTube regarding AMV editors caring more about their view counts and comments than anything else. I cannot deny that I want to get more views for some of my AMVs, and while I can come up with and create more than one video a month, I strive to put effort into improving my style and my ideas.
During my hiatus from making AMVs, I continued watching new ones here at the Org, and eventually spent more time doing that on YouTube. It has been a blast making AMVs through 2021! I've got a whole lot of ideas, I've remade some of my old videos (I'm always remaking videos, lol), and I'm hoping to connect with other creators and talk about anime and music and video editing, sharing/swapping AMVs and exchanging opinions with other editors. Maybe this time around even collaborate with other editors.
I'm glad I took the time to find this particular post in this thread.
Happy editing!
I came up with my first AMV ideas when I happened to play some music with one of the DBZ videos muted. Back then, Windows came with Movie Maker (for free!) and so I delved into splicing videos with different songs. My very first vids were of DBZ put to Metallica or Rammstein. Years after I graduated, I would join A-M-V.org in 2005, by which time I possessed an amateur anime collection and spent two years learning how to rip DVDs and edit video.
I made AMVs because I love anime and music, because I want to share how good the song/band and anime are, because making AMVs is a good stress relief, and because making AMVs continuously helps me how to tinker with editing videos.
I honestly cannot concur more with lloyd9988's sentiment about this hobby being a great opportunity for editors/creators to connect. That's why I'm still here at the Org, and I'm glad you all are as well! I used to actually chat with individuals, had a handful of fellow editors I kept up with. When my own site registrar lapsed in early 2008, I made one final video prior to my 4-year-old Dell PC crashing for good.
Since returning to making AMVs in 2020, I too have noticed similar trends on YouTube regarding AMV editors caring more about their view counts and comments than anything else. I cannot deny that I want to get more views for some of my AMVs, and while I can come up with and create more than one video a month, I strive to put effort into improving my style and my ideas.
During my hiatus from making AMVs, I continued watching new ones here at the Org, and eventually spent more time doing that on YouTube. It has been a blast making AMVs through 2021! I've got a whole lot of ideas, I've remade some of my old videos (I'm always remaking videos, lol), and I'm hoping to connect with other creators and talk about anime and music and video editing, sharing/swapping AMVs and exchanging opinions with other editors. Maybe this time around even collaborate with other editors.
I'm glad I took the time to find this particular post in this thread.
Happy editing!
- Zeonic Freak
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Re: Why Do You Make AMVs?
As of now this is me getting back into an old hobby of mine.
I think my creation of making AMV's (before I had a computer or knew how to edit) all started in my brain. I remember listening to 96 Rock when I lived in Raleigh, NC back in '99 at night when I was trying to fall asleep and I was in middle school and enjoying DBZ on Toonami. So I remember piecing scenes in my head from the Goku vs. Vegeta fight and Namek saga to "Falling Away" from KORN. It was my imagination just doing its thing, and at that age it was hyped up to 11 with no control. I've always been a space cadet, and that got me through school (and special thanks to No Child Left Behind Act lol).
Fast forward to about 2003 or so and a friend showed me Windows Movie Maker on my Windows XP in how to edit video. By then I was downloading some AMVs I saw and like a switch it clicked that I can start doing something with this. So I picked up just the fundimentals of editing without being taught anything and started making my own vids during my time in high school. I was making videos and taking breaks from time to time from 2003 till 2010. I still have most of my videos I made, and the ones I can't find its probably for the best they are never found and are lost to time hahaha.
I started to submit my stuff to anime cons and their AMV competition in 2009 and 2010, which were limited to my local con I attended at Animazement. I was never a finalist but it was nice to see people cheering for your work. Anime fans are always happy about anything you show them, they just don't care. I think my BGC Forever video might've blown a speaker in one of the rooms since the tech crew turned out the audio in the middle of my video to fix the issue lol.
After that I kinda self retired, felt no need to edit. In 2011 I began to pursue college which lasted to 2017 when I graduated from Anderson University with a B.A. in Communications in Media with my focus on videography. In that time I worked on video projects professionally while in college and joined in with AnimEigo making small AMV's for the Otaku no Video Kickstarter Bluray project which Robert and Natsumi really enjoyed what I made. I wasn't really convinced or felt the need to get back into making AMV's at that time.
Fast forward a couple of years later with me being out of college, getting over my ex-fiancee and that relationship ending, and trying to figure out what and where to go in life after college. The definitive moment for me getting back into AMV's was me and my buddy John at AWA 2018 walking into an AMV room during the day with Darius Washington hosting some old school AMV panel and me sitting down watching this stuff in the smaller AMV room. There was some girl who started to present videos and kept apologizing how bad they looked regarding the choppy editing here and there. A nerve hit me which got me to say to myself "Well, if this is the best the AMV community is like right now, im gonna come in and kick so much ass and show these people how its done!"
So after the con I was in a old school hip-hop vibe with N.W.A and decided that mixing "Straight Outta Compton" with Cowboy Bebop would blend really nicely. So I spent about 9 months of 2019 working on that video, putting in scenes where I thought they would work nicely, editing the video at my own pace and not rushing myself, and applying what I went to school for in editing and putting my degree to good use. So I submitted that video for "F Bombs for Charity" for AWA 2019. I never got a confirmation that the video was approved and wanted to know why it wasn't going to be shown. First person I talked too might've been Jingiro? and the person making sure the video would be in the playlist was Speedy that I didn't know who he was till months later. The F Bombs was having issues 20 minutes into the panel and I decided to leave thinking these guys were jokes and there's no way it would play now, so I went back to Dave Merrill room party for more booze and company.
Come to find out the next day, my video was played, and people went crazy over it, and wanted to know who I was. I couldn't believe it went over that well for me getting back into something I haven't touched in almost a decade. So I decided to work on old ideas that been in my head for 10 or so years and the next project was "Gundocalypse Now." I got that done in a couple of months and sent it to Agamacon in 2020. While in the contest area, the MC running it was Speedy, and when he asked if I was present before my video played I was 2 feet from him and I said "Yea that's me..." His instant response was "DON'T GO ANYWHERE, I NEED TO TALK TO YOU!" So I sat near the table and we chatted during the contest, he got me in touch with discord chats and got connected. Suffice to say, this all happened about 2 years ago and because of my drive to make what I want ive won several awards during a time where the world seemed grim to conventions and contests.
I know that is one hell of an overstated, long ass backstory of my life as an editor, but I figured this is the best place to share it. My drive to edit is really to improve my skills and be creative on what I believe I can make and play around with my skill and acquire new ones to get better. I would love to do something in the film industry somewhere in the future and take what im doing now to help me get there. I'm so blessed I have the talent I do and a community to share it with, so thank you guys! To my instant surprise getting back into this, im not as great as I thought I would be. I thrive and enjoy the challenge to putting something together and competing against you guys. Awards are fine and all but doing my best in what I make and learning how to get better brings me real joy and peace. My real strive is to always do my best on a video and make something I have zero regrets making, that at that point in time I put everything I could into it and if it wins or loses, people will still enjoy what I made. I think that's my gigantic explanation in why I make AMVs again. I think I've shared what I needed to share, so thanks for reading!
I think my creation of making AMV's (before I had a computer or knew how to edit) all started in my brain. I remember listening to 96 Rock when I lived in Raleigh, NC back in '99 at night when I was trying to fall asleep and I was in middle school and enjoying DBZ on Toonami. So I remember piecing scenes in my head from the Goku vs. Vegeta fight and Namek saga to "Falling Away" from KORN. It was my imagination just doing its thing, and at that age it was hyped up to 11 with no control. I've always been a space cadet, and that got me through school (and special thanks to No Child Left Behind Act lol).
Fast forward to about 2003 or so and a friend showed me Windows Movie Maker on my Windows XP in how to edit video. By then I was downloading some AMVs I saw and like a switch it clicked that I can start doing something with this. So I picked up just the fundimentals of editing without being taught anything and started making my own vids during my time in high school. I was making videos and taking breaks from time to time from 2003 till 2010. I still have most of my videos I made, and the ones I can't find its probably for the best they are never found and are lost to time hahaha.
I started to submit my stuff to anime cons and their AMV competition in 2009 and 2010, which were limited to my local con I attended at Animazement. I was never a finalist but it was nice to see people cheering for your work. Anime fans are always happy about anything you show them, they just don't care. I think my BGC Forever video might've blown a speaker in one of the rooms since the tech crew turned out the audio in the middle of my video to fix the issue lol.
After that I kinda self retired, felt no need to edit. In 2011 I began to pursue college which lasted to 2017 when I graduated from Anderson University with a B.A. in Communications in Media with my focus on videography. In that time I worked on video projects professionally while in college and joined in with AnimEigo making small AMV's for the Otaku no Video Kickstarter Bluray project which Robert and Natsumi really enjoyed what I made. I wasn't really convinced or felt the need to get back into making AMV's at that time.
Fast forward a couple of years later with me being out of college, getting over my ex-fiancee and that relationship ending, and trying to figure out what and where to go in life after college. The definitive moment for me getting back into AMV's was me and my buddy John at AWA 2018 walking into an AMV room during the day with Darius Washington hosting some old school AMV panel and me sitting down watching this stuff in the smaller AMV room. There was some girl who started to present videos and kept apologizing how bad they looked regarding the choppy editing here and there. A nerve hit me which got me to say to myself "Well, if this is the best the AMV community is like right now, im gonna come in and kick so much ass and show these people how its done!"
So after the con I was in a old school hip-hop vibe with N.W.A and decided that mixing "Straight Outta Compton" with Cowboy Bebop would blend really nicely. So I spent about 9 months of 2019 working on that video, putting in scenes where I thought they would work nicely, editing the video at my own pace and not rushing myself, and applying what I went to school for in editing and putting my degree to good use. So I submitted that video for "F Bombs for Charity" for AWA 2019. I never got a confirmation that the video was approved and wanted to know why it wasn't going to be shown. First person I talked too might've been Jingiro? and the person making sure the video would be in the playlist was Speedy that I didn't know who he was till months later. The F Bombs was having issues 20 minutes into the panel and I decided to leave thinking these guys were jokes and there's no way it would play now, so I went back to Dave Merrill room party for more booze and company.
Come to find out the next day, my video was played, and people went crazy over it, and wanted to know who I was. I couldn't believe it went over that well for me getting back into something I haven't touched in almost a decade. So I decided to work on old ideas that been in my head for 10 or so years and the next project was "Gundocalypse Now." I got that done in a couple of months and sent it to Agamacon in 2020. While in the contest area, the MC running it was Speedy, and when he asked if I was present before my video played I was 2 feet from him and I said "Yea that's me..." His instant response was "DON'T GO ANYWHERE, I NEED TO TALK TO YOU!" So I sat near the table and we chatted during the contest, he got me in touch with discord chats and got connected. Suffice to say, this all happened about 2 years ago and because of my drive to make what I want ive won several awards during a time where the world seemed grim to conventions and contests.
I know that is one hell of an overstated, long ass backstory of my life as an editor, but I figured this is the best place to share it. My drive to edit is really to improve my skills and be creative on what I believe I can make and play around with my skill and acquire new ones to get better. I would love to do something in the film industry somewhere in the future and take what im doing now to help me get there. I'm so blessed I have the talent I do and a community to share it with, so thank you guys! To my instant surprise getting back into this, im not as great as I thought I would be. I thrive and enjoy the challenge to putting something together and competing against you guys. Awards are fine and all but doing my best in what I make and learning how to get better brings me real joy and peace. My real strive is to always do my best on a video and make something I have zero regrets making, that at that point in time I put everything I could into it and if it wins or loses, people will still enjoy what I made. I think that's my gigantic explanation in why I make AMVs again. I think I've shared what I needed to share, so thanks for reading!