
General discussion of Anime Music Videos
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Post by dwchang » Thu May 29, 2003 11:35 am

genestarwind21122 wrote:Thanks for everything. Yes we make videos for fun, but we want other people to enjoy our videos. If people don't know about us then how will they enjoy our videos. Popularity isn't what I'm concerned with. I just want people to see what we have instore for them and what creativity we have.
Yeah, but well...if you're having fun and like what you're doing...why does it matter what others think? I hate to be mean, but...I frankly don't care what others think of my work. Given, that doesn't mean it's not awesome to hear praise, but at the same time...I have fun doing it and like what I am doing so...in essence, I have already succeeded...at least by my "standards."

You also mentioned in the other reply about the personal aspects..getting emotions out and whatnot. I think it's *very* rare for a viewer to enjoy such a thing since well...they're not you. At the same time, you did it for yourself, so who cares?

In all honesty, if your "criteria" is people liking your videos, for the most part, you're going to be upset at least once or twice...or worse. I mean it's not as easy as some might think...the whole having people like your work.

BTW I don't mean to come across as mean. It's just how I feel and I tell people at AMV panels I am on the same thing. I'm *trying* to pre-emptively take care of this misconception of "success" and whatnot since it leads to frustration.
Asthon wrote:Boy, don't get me started. Especially with you, dw.
IIRC, in other threads you've been echoing a similar statement and seem to have cooled down since the VCAs, so I dont' really know what sort of retort you have in mind. Unless you want to take back all the other positive things you've said (shrug). I don't really see anything wrong with the statement I (and many others) have been making.
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Post by genestarwind21122 » Thu May 29, 2003 12:08 pm

Okay I'm probably just going in circles. I don't care what negative people think. If a few people enjoy our videos then I think that's great. If we get a negative response we just try to put that to good use by trying to improve the video if we feel it is necessary. And the part about emotions in the video. Yes my emotions are sometimes put into the video without me knowing. Sometimes I try to make these videos to a point where they may send out a message of some type. Or in other videos like the humorus ones they aren't suppost to have a point to them really except the song and scenes match with the words. Like I said before I love to make videos they are a lot of fun to make. Plus at other times very relaxing in some cases. The other thing is I like competition. Okay after all this nonsense I think I get it now. You just keep on making videos as long as you are having fun and as long as you enjoy it. And in time you'll get good and eventually maybe the videos we make may be good enough to be recognized.

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Post by dwchang » Thu May 29, 2003 1:17 pm

genestarwind21122 wrote:Like I said before I love to make videos they are a lot of fun to make. Plus at other times very relaxing in some cases.
:thumbs up:
genestarwind21122 wrote:You just keep on making videos as long as you are having fun and as long as you enjoy it
Uh huh...
genestarwind21122 wrote: And in time you'll get good and eventually maybe the videos we make may be good enough to be recognized.
Well I wouldn't talk about it like it *is* going to happen. The "eventually" implies that it is bound to happen. None of are guaranteed to make a "good" video (to the community). All we can do is make what we want and hopefully someone will like it. If not...oh well.

Either way that's for the most part how I feel...so :up:
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Post by temaranight » Thu May 29, 2003 5:12 pm

My 2 cents..

If I were worried about people liking my videos..then I would quit making Trigun videos. Why? Because I've been told numerous times when talking to someone about a vid idea "What?! Another one? There's already *insert # here* Trigun vids already!" I don't care. I use Trigun because I feel extremly good about using it..knowing I can convey my idea across with it. I'm familar with it. That and I like trying to put new twist to it that make some people go "wtf was that? O.o" :twisted:
This isn't to say that I won't or haven't ever used another anime. I just don't feel that they're quite as good as me Trigun ones.
As far as being recognized..I think if someone came up to me at a con or IM'ed me online (Aside from those that know me and do that) and said "Hey..I really liked such and such vid..ect" I'd fall over in a faint. Not to say that wouldn't be nice though..everyone loves an ego boost every now and then :wink:

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Post by SarahtheBoring » Thu May 29, 2003 6:06 pm

*skips the arguing*

Yes, A) / 2) was a joke. ;)

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Post by SS5_Majin_Bebi » Thu May 29, 2003 6:30 pm

SarahtheBoring wrote:*skips the arguing*

Yes, A) / 2) was a joke. ;)
Ah I thought so. Kudos for that. :lol: it made me laff. "Ohohoho!" See?

Yeh, it was funny, I've always liked that joke.

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Post by Pie Row Maniac » Sat May 31, 2003 10:06 pm

I make videos because creating is fun. Hearing other people's opinions and how they react to my videos is also fun. Doing it just because I enjoy it is alot like me just talking to myself, and doing it just for other people would make me too dependant. Balance these two out.
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Post by OmniStrata » Sun Jun 01, 2003 3:24 pm


Excuse me for disagreeing... However, I started out caring for what other people thought of my videos. I mean, to me, if you're the only one who likes your videos, (and everyone says you suck...) then, if you're ok with that, hey, I'm not gonna stop you ^_^. But the "laws" of good editing where placed in a guide. If EVERYONE followed these so called "laws" (which are quite simple I might add) then I'd vouch that there'd no longer be sucky videos. (especially Linkin' Bark/DBZ :p to you all ^_^)

No longer, now I edit for something I like to look at... (It just happens other people like looking at it too ^_^)

I HATE, LOATHE the editing part. Sooo freakin' tedious... :cry: But, if the end result looks good to me, I can thankfully guess that a LOT of people would agree with me ^_^

Yet, "Feel the Rhythm" still leaves quite an impact on people, ah, the "must get as many opinions as possible phase..." It felt good back in the day... ^_^

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Post by tutterbutter » Mon Jun 02, 2003 10:57 am

SarahtheBoring wrote:A) The spacebar is at the bottom of your keyboard

2) Personally, although I know I couldn't be "great" anyway, I don't care if I'm "great." I care if I have fun. I used to get all angsty about what people thought of me in my last set of wanderings around the net, and it wasn't worth it in the end. Yes, it would be a nice big ego-stroke to win something, but I'm happy just finishing videos at all.

Worrying about status and popularity and crap is what high school is for. ;)
I really agree with this totally I wish more people felt that way.. Im a newbie. I enjoy making them, and granted my first ones suck beyond belief. But I had fun making them.. and they meant something to me.. I only shared so someone would look and say.. Okay, you need to improve in this, and that.. and you could use this instead of that.. <gasp> I thought we were a community to share and improve one another, and to vent. Then Again Im a NEWBEE what do I know!

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Post by genestarwind21122 » Mon Jun 02, 2003 12:34 pm

I'm still pretty fresh I'm still in my first year of creating amv's if you read in the previous post yes it would be nice for jpeople to acknowledge your videos and comment on them and have people recongnize you but you also have to have fun I realize that. I always have had fun now I would like for people to take a look at my videos to see what they are like. I mean if you put a lot of work into something wouldn't like people to see your video and acknowledge it. (But that's secondary the primary reason is to have fun.)


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