Great Videos and Vid Makers That We all Miss Out On.

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Post by Voices_Of_Ryan » Tue Jun 01, 2004 12:09 pm

TobinHood wrote:
Voices_Of_Ryan wrote:
)v(ajin Koji wrote:
Jonny Bebop wrote:I'm trying to do exactly what Koji is doing 'cos i know what it's like not to get an opinion too.

I remember when I used to do that.

To be honest, I op most of what I like. Cause I really hate giving anything below average.
But the average is so damn high because most people only op the vids they like. If someone wants my opinion I'll be honest. I don't usually go around leaving opinions because my ops take too long to write but sometimes if someone asks and I have nothing else to do I'll go and leave them an honest opinion.

But i'd have to give SO many people like 3's... And that's harsh to me ^_^;; oh well I guess if you don't tell them they'll never know how to improve.
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)v(ajin Koji
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Post by )v(ajin Koji » Tue Jun 01, 2004 12:51 pm

Exactly. You've got to be totally honest. Although, I must admit I'm only totally honest with AMVs that use song choices I'm very passionate about.

As you know, Ryan.
I'm bored and you're dumb. A match made in heaven.
- Kai Stromler to son_goten.
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Post by Voices_Of_Ryan » Tue Jun 01, 2004 1:21 pm

)v(ajin Koji wrote:Exactly. You've got to be totally honest. Although, I must admit I'm only totally honest with AMVs that use song choices I'm very passionate about.

As you know, Ryan.
Yeah, mine still kicks yours ass though ;)
"hey... no"

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Re: bleh

Post by Pyle » Tue Jun 01, 2004 3:29 pm

Nandez wrote:For example on of my vids have 50 download sand i got one opion on it.
I feel inclined to whine a bit and point out that one of my vids has 120 downloads and is still opinionless. I'm driven under the impression you can't just wait for them to appear, or you'll end up like me. Go to the op exchange and ask for some.

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Coffee 54
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Post by Coffee 54 » Tue Jun 01, 2004 3:47 pm

I'm driven under the impression you can't just wait for them to appear, or you'll end up like me. Go to the op exchange and ask for some.
An excellent idea. I didn't know I sucked until I did that. Therefore made little effort to improve. Now, as soon as I get over this bottomless depression, I will make a concerted effort to improve.[/img]

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Opinions are okay

Post by HeavyMetal » Wed Jun 02, 2004 1:32 am

I think its better to learn from watching lots of AMVs.

Opinions are nice, but when I see an inspiring video I start to think of new ways to combine effects to create new ideas.

Besides so many parts of a video are so slight that they may influence a person, but not be recognized by the viewer.

Audio is a prime example. Most people seem to just guess a number depending on if it sounded like high, low, or medium quality. I've seen videos with perfect audio quality still in a relatively uncompressed state that people tend to mark at 7 or 8 just to give guesstimate.

I think one helpful opinion is worth far more than a bunch of average opinions.

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Post by Nandez » Wed Jun 02, 2004 5:16 am

I see this thread has become totally about opions.When i started this a year ago it was bascially about people who miss out on Great vidmakers that post on the org and none bothers to even look towards the way of there vid make your on thread if you wanna whine about opions please.
Pwolf wrote:humans are more likely to steal clips then waffles... proven fact...

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Post by Pyle » Wed Jun 02, 2004 10:40 am

Nandez wrote:I see this thread has become totally about opions.When i started this a year ago it was bascially about people who miss out on Great vidmakers that post on the org and none bothers to even look towards the way of there vid make your on thread if you wanna whine about opions please.
Hey dude, your the one who whined in the first place.

Btw, it was only created...6 months ago. 8)

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Post by fyrtenheimer » Wed Jun 02, 2004 11:52 am

Nandez wrote:I see this thread has become totally about opions.When i started this a year ago it was bascially about people who miss out on Great vidmakers that post on the org and none bothers to even look towards the way of there vid make your on thread if you wanna whine about opions please.
do you mean options? onions or OPINIONS?

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Coffee 54
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Post by Coffee 54 » Wed Jun 02, 2004 6:49 pm

The top 10% is a great place to find good creators. Another is the Opinion Exchange. If they're taking the trouble to promote it there, they're probably pretty confident that they have something good.


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