
General discussion of Anime Music Videos
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Sir Bugsalot
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Post by Kalium » Mon Mar 01, 2004 7:12 pm

Dynamic Bandwith wrote: I MAY HAVE FOUND A SOLLUTION!!!!!

Fansubs are legal right??

Not quite. It depends on the country, actually. Under the Berne convention, Japanese copyrights are enforceable in any other country that has ratified the Berne convention. Before there's a liscence for that language, however, the Japanese companies typically don't care. Until there's a liscense, the fansubs are basically free advertising.


What this boils down to is this: in most of the world, fansubs are technically illegal, but tolerated in abscence of a domestic release.

Oh, and a disclaimer: IANAL (I Am Not A Lawyer)

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Post by Corran » Mon Mar 01, 2004 7:47 pm

Dynamic Bandwith wrote:cz
godix wrote:For whoever is ... on the internet.
I totally agree with him.


If you have a legal copy, in my eyes,you are allowed to broadcast it. At least if you do the following:
First of all, declare that you set up that station for home use: f.e. when your on your work, you like to watch the videos on your computer. And that the station was set up for that purpose.

I thought you had just agreed with Godix :?

Either way I don't think getting initial advice on streaming AMV's from an AMV community a bad place to start... You may want to talk to a lawyer about it but it doesn't hurt to look into other aspects. The legality is only part of this problem. There is setting the thing up, bandwidth, and costs among other things...

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Post by Voices_Of_Ryan » Mon Mar 01, 2004 8:05 pm

Corran Productions wrote: There is setting the thing up, bandwidth, and costs among other things...
That's no problem.
"hey... no"

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Post by Kalium » Mon Mar 01, 2004 8:12 pm

In any country under the Berne convention, this is more-or-less flat-out illegal. You have the music corporations, asserting their copyrights. Then you may or may not have the copyright on the anime itself. Either way, you have a nice legal mess.

In short: if you go through with this, either find a way to keep it under the radar of the copyright holders in question or get the appropriate legal permissions (unlikely to happen without paying through the nose).

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Post by Corran » Mon Mar 01, 2004 8:35 pm

Voices_Of_Ryan wrote:
Corran Productions wrote: There is setting the thing up, bandwidth, and costs among other things...
That's no problem.
Voices_Of_Ryan wrote:so lets say I have this friend with unlimited band at his disposile and he wants to make a live (like mtv? but broadcast on the net) amtv station.

Any clue how he would go about doing it?

Besides bandwidth and costs what am I missing O_o

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Sir Bugsalot
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Post by Kalium » Mon Mar 01, 2004 8:37 pm

Corran Productions wrote:
Voices_Of_Ryan wrote:
Corran Productions wrote: There is setting the thing up, bandwidth, and costs among other things...
That's no problem.
Voices_Of_Ryan wrote:so lets say I have this friend with unlimited band at his disposile and he wants to make a live (like mtv? but broadcast on the net) amtv station.

Any clue how he would go about doing it?

Besides bandwidth and costs what am I missing O_o
The hardware to support it?

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Post by azulmagia » Mon Mar 01, 2004 9:26 pm

trigunvash wrote:If you want to get your pants sued off, yes you'll need the creator's permission, plus the permission of the song artist, label, anime labels etc etc. rebroadcasting rights the list goes on.
You forgot to include a healthy cash-flow to induce these corporate greed-heads to grant their permission. Which would mean people will either have to fork out their money or be subjected to more advertising invading their lives. :?

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Post by Atvaark » Mon Mar 01, 2004 10:51 pm

What the RIAA is doing is clearly for mass communication : "whoever you are, don't copy music, you could be fined and go to jail, just look at that poor child, if we can do it to such a person, we'll do it to anyone."

But for the message to be efficient, it has to be simple. What if they start talking about AMV? What are AMV? Do they want to explain that in their press releases? Too complicated. Are we talking about music or video rights? People just wouldn't get it.

So I don't think the RIAA is concerned about AMVs.

(And in fact, AMVs made me buy some CDs. But that's not an argument they would hear.)

Video is no problem:
- that's advertising for animes,
- that's an artistic use of an artwork, which is authorized (at least in France).

Now, about broadcasting AMVs, what *I* would do is to do it without any legal advice and stop as soon as you get the lawyer's mail, knowing that the probability that it happens is quite low. Now, if *you* do this and get in big trouble, that's not my responsability, cause I didn't tell you to do it.

*My* philosophy: when you have a great project which you know wouldn't harm anybody, and there's an alinea of a law against you, well... Do it and hope... :wink:

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Post by gundamzuki » Tue Mar 02, 2004 3:43 am

Ryan, I'm curious. Are you talking about

Anyways, since everyone else has an opinion, I'll say that I'm with godix. You probably won't come under fire. But if you do, probability is that they'll issue you a cease and desist order before legal action.

I've sent a PM to a guy on another forum that is a teacher of copyright law asking him if he'd be interested in talking to you. I'll let you know what his responce is.
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Dynamic Bandwith
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Post by Dynamic Bandwith » Tue Mar 02, 2004 7:10 am

Corran Productions wrote:
I thought you had just agreed with Godix :?
I did and I still do, nevertheless I still wanted to post my visions on this difficult problem.

I talked to some ppl yesterday and I have an addtional idea.

In order for ppl to tune in, they somehow have to somehow validate that they do own the cd's. Once they did that, they can tune in.

if we can figure out a system to do that, then the audio issue is settled.

Both you and the viewers have the audio legally at home. So why can't you braodcast it??? I mean it's not like they can't hear the sound if they don't tune in to your station :P


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