What do you do to psyche yourself up?

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Bakadeshi [AuN Studios]
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Post by Bakadeshi [AuN Studios] » Thu Jun 10, 2004 12:30 am

downwithpants wrote:
godix wrote:
AMV_4000 wrote:Masturbation and watching others amvs
At the same time or one after another? Because as much as I like AMVs I just don't get umm... excited by them.
MONEYSHOT!! :twisted:
...it's funny i heard the song on the radio yesterday
LOL you got the mr poopy pants title! ;p

anyway back on topic, sometimes if its a mild case, the "thinking about how awesome it might look when finished" idea sometimes works, especially if i'm trying something new and want to see how it comes out, and the other half of the time, I'm in Otohiko's boat. Just do something else till the excitement/inspiriation comes back, if it ever does. Or I might rewatch the series I'm using in the AMV for fresh ideas.
Recommended Underated video (Not Mine): Jasper-Isis - Ever Searching

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Post by Arigatomina » Thu Jun 10, 2004 12:36 am

Usually I'm bored, surfing around and reading fics/books and will get an urge to work with one of my preferred characters. After that it's just a matter of listening to my songs till one of them 'clicks' for me. Not as often, but I've also been known to get inspiration from music - listening to my mixed tapes in my car I'll sometimes remember 'hey, I never did the video for that song' and I'll start on it when I get home. Only rarely do I get inspiration from watching videos, and it's usually my own that inspire me. Like minds and all that, hard to find others with the same tastes in music/anime/concept/editing style that I have.

If I'm really, really bored I'll pick an anime or genre off hand and then browse songs to see if any give me ideas. But that very rarely works. I'm not a song-first person. ^_^; Only with my favorite songs, and I've already used most of them.

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Post by Immorrel » Thu Jun 10, 2004 12:43 am

Well when it comes to AMV ideas, I am generally tormented there. I listen to a song and see what I could do with it. But actually working up the desire to start is my problem. Once Im past the starting, I generally just fall into my AMV zen state (or caffenine induced coma, havent really decided) and get it done.

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Post by Lounge Fly » Thu Jun 10, 2004 1:26 pm

Ah well sorry I haven't posted since the initial post.

It's all interesting to hear what you do to keep yourself pshyched up. Keep em coming :) I flowchart was pretty interesting and original. Never thought of that before.
Watashi no nihongo ga mada jouzu ja nai -_-;
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Akai Rurouni
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Hope This Isn't Too Much Off Topic...

Post by Akai Rurouni » Fri Jun 11, 2004 12:20 pm

madbunny wrote:I start massive projects that will take months to complete properly. Get started on them, and then 'take breaks' from it by doing other easy videos. Whenever I look up on the wall and see the production flowchart I get depressed at how few items are checked off. To cheer up I do other stuff, and piss off my students by making simple little showcase projects.

So, I basically take the ass backwards approach.

Damm, that reminds me... I have to get that baby shower crap edited.
I'm curious, what is this production flowchart? What does it look like?
Akai Rurouni

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Post by Akai Rurouni » Fri Jun 11, 2004 12:22 pm

Undertow wrote:i mostly use coffee, vodka, watch other Anime or AMVs, or just play a game (FF7 again right now). After that i just feel up to going on again, but when i'm really stuck the AMV really sucks most of the time (just look at my Gaea's Sin vid).
Ok, so I have to ask... I've only been on the AMV scene for a few months, but I've seen several references to vodka. What is it with vodka and AMVs??? Is there some kind of inside joke or reference to something I'm missing, or is it just purely by coincidence the alcohol of choice here? =)
Akai Rurouni

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Re: Vodka?

Post by billy_wires » Fri Jun 11, 2004 12:37 pm

Akai Rurouni wrote:Ok, so I have to ask... I've only been on the AMV scene for a few months, but I've seen several references to vodka. What is it with vodka and AMVs??? Is there some kind of inside joke or reference to something I'm missing, or is it just purely by coincidence the alcohol of choice here? =)
From what I've seen, people in general love to brag about drinking/being drunk. So the harder and more popular/well known a liquor is, the better to talk about more often. It mostly just irritates me, because I don't care if you're drinking so much you'll die of alcohol poisoning right now, just if you'll shut up about it.

Oh, and I don't really ever lose faith in a video, or find the need to psyche myself up. I do as I do with all things, if it is what I want to do, I do it. There is always something I can do.

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Post by AbsoluteDestiny » Fri Jun 11, 2004 1:16 pm

Dunno about vodka, but a nice red wine is really good for editing up to a point (and then it just becomes destructive :P)

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Post by Joykiller » Fri Jun 11, 2004 1:27 pm

AbsoluteDestiny wrote:Dunno about vodka, but a nice red wine is really good for editing up to a point (and then it just becomes destructive :P)
Red wine has nothing on a nice Kendall Jackson Grand Reserve Chardonnay my friend.

Failing that, Baily's on ice is an acceptable substitution. :P

Hard liquor is just not my thing. I don't really drink to get drunk often. Slightly tipsy is just fine by my standards.
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Akai Rurouni
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Post by Akai Rurouni » Fri Jun 11, 2004 3:18 pm

Joykiller wrote:
AbsoluteDestiny wrote:Dunno about vodka, but a nice red wine is really good for editing up to a point (and then it just becomes destructive :P)
Red wine has nothing on a nice Kendall Jackson Grand Reserve Chardonnay my friend.

Failing that, Baily's on ice is an acceptable substitution. :P

Hard liquor is just not my thing. I don't really drink to get drunk often. Slightly tipsy is just fine by my standards.
I was just wondering because I've seen some 3 or so references to vodka in the 2 months I've been hanging around a-m-v.org, and no other alcohol references except maybe one to beer or something... (and you'll probably find at least one reference too beer if you hang around _any_ internet site for 2 months...) I guess it's just coincidence. =)

Anyhow, I gotta say 'cheers' to the Baily's. ;-)
I also kinda like rum and rum drinks. But maybe that's just because I'm a pirate at heart...
Arrrrrr! >=\
Akai Rurouni


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