by Wheee_It's_Me! » Mon Jul 19, 2004 7:27 pm
There was a rather complex chain of events that led to my getting involved in this community. It mostly had to do with my discovery of anime. I used to not like anime, not really sure why, it just held about as much appeal to me as say soap operas and Farscape (both of which are only enjoyable if you actually take the time to start watching from like the very begining). So anywho, I started getting into video capturing. I though, oh neato, I can capture episodes of my favorite shows off cable and store them on my HD to watch whenever I like. And thus, a small 13 inch TV made it's way next to my computer monitor.
So I started watching TV while doing stuff on the computer as kind of like background noise. Mostly CNN at first but then on occasion I'd switch it over to Cartoon Network and just let it go. Eventually, Toonami would come on and I'd just let it run. At the time I think it was like Ronin Warriors, DBZ, Sailor Moon and Tenchi. RW I thought sucked, in totality, I still do. DBZ at the time didn't hold much appeal to me either. Sailor Moon seemed too damn cheesey. But Tenchi, WOW, that was something different. By the 3rd episode I wasn't just using it for background noise, but actually watching the show. And thus, began my interest in anime.
Flash forward about, oh, a year or so, I still was only watching sliced up dubbed crap off CN (mostly CB, DBZ, Tenchi, Pilot Candidate and Card Captors). Card Captors REALLY got my attention. Not sure why, but I just REALLY liked it. But the whole time it seemed like something was wrong with it. So I searched around online, found the CCU message boards and discovered, oh, they edit anime?! And thus began my great search for unedited, subtitled anime. I believe the CCU message boards is where I also first heard about
In my efforts to find episodes 69 and 70 to watch (couldn't afford to buy at the time and there were no online rental outfits and I just HAD to see what CN was cutting out) I wound up downloading several different CCS AMVs, one which happened to be Melissa Harper's "At The Begining".
And then I thought, hrmm...I like...but it could be better. Now I already had some basic knowledge of video editing (simple cuts, fads, etc) so I fired up Dazzle Movie Star and used episodes of CC that I had captured off the WB and CN and basically kinda "redid" Melissa's video from scratch (I used the same song as she did, everything else is different).
Showed it all around on the CCU message board and then at one point I decided to actually check out the .org, started an account and put up my first video. And then from that point I started downloading more and more AMVs and the more AMVs I watched the more anime I wanted to watch. So to sum it all up nice and tight, my discovery of this community and anime as a whole had mostly to do with an interest in video capturing and a $200 piece of shit Dazzle video capture device I bought at Staples.