by Sephiroth » Sun Oct 31, 2004 5:14 am
The popularity of both music and anime can work for or against an anime. It depends on what. Linkin Park AMVs are made alot but arent that well recieved most of the time including some of the good to ok ones because it's Linkin Park. That bias because of the exsperiance of seeing a million Linkin Park videos makes it harder for people to like it. THe most popular kinds of videos seem to pick something which is popular but not to popular. Eva Is a perfect example of this. People are on some level sick of eva videos, they will still watch them though.
This behavior happens through exmple. While we've seen a ton of really crappy DBZ videos, we havent really seen any good ones that stay around. Eva Has a track record of good videos with the bad ones.
Generally people remember the good ones over the bad ones. Engle is one of the videos that helps keep this trend alive. THe closet thing DBZ has to Engle Is "this is your life" it is a popular video. People consider it an exception rather then a rule for a DBZ video so the perception/idea that there can be a good DBZ video is ingraned as a negative in everyones mind. The constant newbies who make bad DBZ videos inforce this idea and it becomes reality. It becomes self fufilling that there's nothing but crappy DBZ videos and good eva ones.
AMVs that are sucessful deal with association alot of the time. Lets take die another day as an example. People may like James bond, they may or may not like Noir. If you showed it to somone that is a big james bond fan but dosent like noir that much they will probubly like it. Same applies to A fan that likes Noir but dosent really like james bond that much. Both people will concentrate on those elements that they enjoy and like. The bond fan hears the latest bond theme and the noir fans see's the anime that they enjoy. And if they like both there's an even greator chance that they will like it.
Now obviously somone will not like a video soly based apon the anime and song but it moves it alot closer to that. Their bias for the anime/song get's them to like it more then the editing does. This dosent happen all the time since if something is really crapily done it will fail but if something's close to the mid level or even slightly below it, a likable combination can make a video exstreemly popular.
Audiance is another factor. I'll use one of my own videos as an example here. The recent DDR project, I was track 42 the twist. The reactions to it at AWA were far different then the reactions on the org.
The audiance at AWA reacted very excited to the well known elements in the video. THose elemts where monty Python, Weird AL yankovic, Jay and Silent bob strike back, and there was a mixed reaction to the city hunter segment. If it haddent been Jackie chan in the live action city hunter, there probubly wouldn't have been a reaction at all. Where as The batdance music video, and the tomb raider movie got next to non, people ether didn't really like those elements or didn't know what they were. So they didn't react to them. When Monty Python and then Weird Al came onto the screen the audiance yelled quite a bit. MY editing was almost non inmportant at those points. People just liked seeing some of there faverate moments presented in a giant megamix project on a huge screen with alot of people. ANother factor that played in it's favor is that at AWA live action is ok to be in a music video since AWA has live action vids. People are more acepting of it.
Individually people rather complaned about that segment as alot of the DDR thread complaned about to much live action twords the end. A completly opposite reaction from that at AWA. For one this is associated as a anime music video website, so a live action segment in a video is allready looked down apon. The associations are for DDR 4 to be completly done with animation. Live action "has no place on the site". No everyone will necisarily get the video since it's on a person to person bases instead of a crowd where if somone laughs somone else is more likly to join in with them. If you take two infants and put them in a room, if one cries the other will cry in sympothy. The same applies to laughter in a crowd of people. The video has a vastly different effect depending on how it's presented.
Do not entirly base your opinion of a video based on what anime or music is used in it. Understand that you are influenced by it though. There are many ways to do videos. It is good to see what we like, it's also important to share new things with people through an AMV. I would not have been happy with my DDR track if i had soley made it for the audiance. I beleave in having an integrity in your work even if it means that people don't allways understand it. What should allways be understood is that we should make the best videos possible while being true to ourselves.
I see AMVs as a sharing of idea's. In the end that's what really matters is that we enjoy sharing these things with each other.
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