Sorry you're right, it's going Off Topic... it's weird how Halo got a music video in here though, it really should tbh - I thought what they allowed in was very strict.
What's this with in-game footage not being allowed but cut-scenes and FMV's (cinematics) are? Maybe that's just in case someone decided to introduce a combo video which looks like an AMV... or vice versa. Some of the Game based videos i've seen have quite a few in-game combos (not very good ones though!
), for example: ... hp?v=53050
Well, it's funny that you say Japan's importance in the world market is shrinking because of sequels when American games are doing the same thing.
Yep, that still doesn't refute anything I said. GTA was to highlight how more and more top games are being made outside of Japan, not to highlight it was innovative.
European and US have had more original games coming out than Japan. Many of Which have done well enough to start being top sellers. This is a trend that is likely to continue... again nothing what I have said has been refuted.
Japan's importance in the world market will *never* shrink.
Not even a tiny bit?
that's a pretty bold statement. Sounds like you're saying it's impossible for microsoft to steal market share from Sony when it has been doing exactly that in the U.S. Hence the term 'shrink'.
There are some genres which I believe Japan will be top-dog on for a long time to come though. Fighting games are one of them, tournies like Evo and Absolution are a testament to that.
Were it not for Japan you wouldn't have had the Playstation or the GameBoy and this would all be moot.
I don't see how that backs up your statement that Japan's importance on the world market will never shrink, although I don't deny that Playstation was the best thing that happened to console games. I hate Gameboy though, I hate all handhelds.