Sad thing is, what you see is only 1/2 of the video tape library I have... the other half is on the other side and just as bigVoices_Of_Ryan wrote:Haha... I say we all go to vlads house.Castor Troy wrote:Vlad basically owns an anime store.

Yeah... I say we take those, and build a house out of them.Vlad G Pohnert wrote:Sad thing is, what you see is only 1/2 of the video tape library I have... the other half is on the other side and just as bigVoices_Of_Ryan wrote:Haha... I say we all go to vlads house.Castor Troy wrote:Vlad basically owns an anime store.
richlather = oldschool amvRichLather wrote:Too right, Pie. Too right. I do so love being able to say to many of the people here that "I was old school when you were in kindergarten" and have it not be an idle brag.
AMVs did indeed begin with the good ol' "two VCRs and a fast finger on the pause button". That's how Corn Pone Flicks' Matt Murray did it with some of his early works, like "Christmas at Ground Zero" and "Slime Creatures from Outer Space" both using Weird Al songs.
I had the benefit of using a professional VHS setup in college, but it was still all videotape--this is long before DVDs and broadband Internet connections could be considered as viable options, hell it was before the World Wide Web took off.
Back in '89 it was predominantly me, Matt Murray and a handful of others--at least in the Southeast.